MCU's new HERo


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25 minutes ago, dprh said:

This was while she was still a brain-washed Kree soldier trying to get back to her squad.  

Beat me to it.

I could easily show the early scene in iron man of Tony Stark with the reporter in bed and say “these are the heroes today??”

Though I don’t like Bre Larson, I don’t have too many qualms with Captain Marvel as a whole.

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2 hours ago, Mores said:

I haven't seen the movie, but I thought she could fly.  Why is she bothering to steal a motorcycle?


She has a device on her neck that she thinks is giving her powers, but it is really hindering them. She doesn’t fly till she takes it off.

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So can I safely assume she's under some evil mind control when she shamelessly bullies Mr. Suave and then steals his motorcycle and clothing? Or is this just another feminist revenge fantasy against men in general?

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Guest Mores
12 minutes ago, Vort said:

So can I safely assume she's under some evil mind control when she shamelessly bullies Mr. Suave and then steals his motorcycle and clothing? Or is this just another feminist revenge fantasy against men in general?

Standard Feminst Behavior in Entertainment:

1. Find some aberrant behavior in men.
2. Posit this as proof positive that women are superior to men.
3. Mimic said behavior to prove women can be just as strong as men.

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23 minutes ago, Vort said:

So can I safely assume she's under some evil mind control when she shamelessly bullies Mr. Suave and then steals his motorcycle and clothing? Or is this just another feminist revenge fantasy against men in general?

She was essentially raised as a super soldier by a egotistic alien race and is sent to hunt down a group of aliens they are at war with. Later in the movie she finds out they had been lying to her to whole time and the alien race she is hunting is a bunch of refugees trying to escape the Kree (the aliens she was raised by). 

This scene takes place during her hunt of the aliens.

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9 hours ago, Fether said:

Beat me to it.

I could easily show the early scene in iron man of Tony Stark with the reporter in bed and say “these are the heroes today??”

Though I don’t like Bre Larson, I don’t have too many qualms with Captain Marvel as a whole.

Nice try.

Carol fighting with the Kree was not portrayed as a Bad Person who then had an inner struggle when she realized she’s fighting on the wrong team that changed herself into a Good Person.  No.  That was Tony Stark’s hero journey not Carol’s.  Carol was the same person from the beginning of the movie and the end of the movie.  She had a conflict she had to overcome that unleashed her power, not an inner personal growth.

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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

Nice try.

Carol fighting with the Kree was not portrayed as a Bad Person who then had an inner struggle when she realized she’s fighting on the wrong team that changed herself into a Good Person.  No.  That was Tony Stark’s hero journey not Carol’s.  Carol was the same person from the beginning of the movie and the end of the movie.  She had a conflict she had to overcome that unleashed her power, not an inner personal growth.

🤷🏻‍♂️ I may eat my words but I bet Captain Marvel will turn out to be a fantastic hero worth looking up to. I like to think that the few days the movie takes place during will be like all the other first few days of the super heros. Flawed but not defining

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It kind of reminds me of one of the first parts of the first Terminator movie.  The Terminator had just come back in time and is naked...  He enters a biker bar and takes clothes and a bike from them.

Now in movies bikers are generally portrayed as the "bad" guys.   But the Terminator is never presented (at least in the first movie) as an any other then amoral killing machine.  And the whole scene is set to establish just how dangerous and amoral the terminator is against a group (bikers) that is not all that good anyways but reasonably tough.

Captain Marvel is not suppose to be a amoral killing machine... She is presented as a Hero.  Now if you want to make the case that she was journeying to become a Hero and learned from and over come her mistakes... Then great... Where in the movie does she show that she learned from her mistakes? (This is a genuine question I have not seen the movie yet... I am waiting for it to be on Netflick or Redbox)

If the movie shows her learning and growing (and regretting) this action, then the context justifies it(like Tony Stark regrets his).  Otherwise it is just a female power fantasy playing out on the screen.  Now guys have had plenty of power fantasies played out on the screen. Those are quite rightly condemned.


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3 hours ago, estradling75 said:

Captain Marvel is not suppose to be a amoral killing machine... She is presented as a Hero.  Now if you want to make the case that she was journeying to become a Hero and learned from and over come her mistakes... Then great... Where in the movie does she show that she learned from her mistakes?

She leaves the BlueTrumpSpaceForce and went mercenary.  That's about it.

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4 hours ago, estradling75 said:

Captain Marvel is not suppose to be a amoral killing machine... She is presented as a Hero.  Now if you want to make the case that she was journeying to become a Hero and learned from and over come her mistakes... Then great... Where in the movie does she show that she learned from her mistakes? (This is a genuine question I have not seen the movie yet... I am waiting for it to be on Netflick or Redbox)

No where in the movie does she present herself to be a hero. That doesn’t happen until End Game. She is a super soldier fighting in a war and finds herself in a primitive planet.

Her arch doesn’t even have anything to do with becoming a hero, it’s about her separation from the army she is a part of. Becoming a protector on earth and the galaxy doesn’t come till after the movie ends when she goes off to war the Kree and protect other worlds (as she mentions in End Game)

And she wasn’t an amoral killing machine. She was a careless soldier hunting down terrorists on a primitive planet.

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So I finally saw Cap Marvel. Here's my takeaway. (minor spoilers)

Yep...feminist propaganda. But not too egregious. Just annoying. About the same annoying as all Hollywood/TV. Some of it was even good. None of it was as bad as the Endgame moment where all the women randomly show up at the same moment on a battle field for their "girl power" moment. Frankly the most annoying thing was that they made Mar-vell a female character, which was entirely unnecessary in a story that was already about girl power. And, frankly, it might have been a more powerful message if Mar-vell was male...but you can't have Carol Danvers' idol/mentor/what-have-you be male. You can have her fake mentor who's secretly a bad guy be male. But her real mentor HAS to be female. :glare: Annoying.

Other than the fact that I don't like Brie Larson (she really bothers me), I'd say the show was just fine. Not perfect. And a lesser entry in the Marvel universe, for sure. But fine.

After all the hullabaloo I expected more of Goose. But whatever. Fine. And I enjoyed the plot twist bad/good guy, but I also saw it coming right from the start (which wasn't too hard to see as they were in league with the big baddy from Guardians).

And the actual Carol Danvers character wasn't as unlikable as I had suspected, even though Brie is. That's compared to, for example, Mark Ruffalo whose politics I also cannot stand, but his Bruce Banner is enjoyable. That's honestly the case with most Hollywood actors though. The only one I tend to like, personally, in the Marvel Universe is Chris Pratt.

But really, it was just okay.

If I'm truly honest with myself, I have to admit that there's some basic sexist attitudes I have that affected things. When a male character is rebellious, a bit snotty, cavalier, etc., I find humor in it. When a female character acts that way I think she's being horrible and why is she being such a stinker, etc. Of course the likely proper solution to my sexism is to hold the male characters to the same standards of niceties that I hold the female characters to. Of course if I'm going to be honest with such things I should be able to properly expect Hollywood to be honest as well...but........

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4 hours ago, estradling75 said:

in the movie does she show that she learned from her mistakes? (This is a genuine question I have not seen the movie yet... I am waiting for it to be on Netflick or Redbox)

If the movie shows her learning and growing (and regretting) this action, then the context justifies it(like Tony Stark regrets his).  Otherwise it is just a female power fantasy playing out on the screen.  Now guys have had plenty of power fantasies played out on the screen. Those are quite rightly condemne

The majority of the events in the movie takes place over two or three days. I would find it every difficult to see such a drastic change in personality I’m such a short time. What she does learn is that her country she was fighting for had been lying to her and using her. She then leaves and turns against them.

Jump to End Game and the little we did see of her suggests to me that some major growth had been made. She still held her over confidence (which later she was set straight by Thanos) , but she didn’t seem as careless and self centered like she did in Captain Marvel.

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6 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

So I finally saw Cap Marvel. Here's my takeaway. (minor spoilers)

Yep...feminist propaganda. But not too egregious. Just annoying. About the same annoying as all Hollywood/TV. Some of it was even good. None of it was as bad as the Endgame moment where all the women randomly show up at the same moment on a battle field for their "girl power" moment. Frankly the most annoying thing was that they made Mar-vell a female character, which was entirely unnecessary in a story that was already about girl power. And, frankly, it might have been a more powerful message if Mar-vell was male...but you can't have Carol Danvers' idol/mentor/what-have-you be male. You can have her fake mentor who's secretly a bad guy be male. But her real mentor HAS to be female. :glare: Annoying.

Other than the fact that I don't like Brie Larson (she really bothers me), I'd say the show was just fine. Not perfect. And a lesser entry in the Marvel universe, for sure. But fine.

After all the hullabaloo I expected more of Goose. But whatever. Fine. And I enjoyed the plot twist bad/good guy, but I also saw it coming right from the start (which wasn't too hard to see as they were in league with the big baddy from Guardians).

And the actual Carol Danvers character wasn't as unlikable as I had suspected, even though Brie is. That's compared to, for example, Mark Ruffalo whose politics I also cannot stand, but his Bruce Banner is enjoyable. That's honestly the case with most Hollywood actors though. The only one I tend to like, personally, in the Marvel Universe is Chris Pratt.

But really, it was just okay.

If I'm truly honest with myself, I have to admit that there's some basic sexist attitudes I have that affected things. When a male character is rebellious, a bit snotty, cavalier, etc., I find humor in it. When a female character acts that way I think she's being horrible and why is she being such a stinker, etc. Of course the likely proper solution to my sexism is to hold the male characters to the same standards of niceties that I hold the female characters to. Of course if I'm going to be honest with such things I should be able to properly expect Hollywood to be honest as well...but........

My feelings about the movie almost exactly.

I hated the “girl power” scene in End Game, utterly ridiculous.

Only difference for me is that I was totally ok with Marvel (or mar-vel ) being derived from the more recent female Captain Marvel comics

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5 minutes ago, Fether said:

No where in the movie does she present herself to be a hero. That doesn’t happen until End Game. She is a super soldier fighting in a war and finds herself in a primitive planet.


Did you miss watching trailer?  The whole  HER ... O thing?  I am not talking about what she may or may not do in the movie... because I can not... I have not seen it yet.  I am talking about the press and how she is being presented and advertised.  She is being put forth as a hero and a role model.  If she is on a hero's journey where she learns how and what it means to be a hero then great...  Otherwise this scene is a power fantasy

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8 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Except the part where she literally defines herself as a "hero" to Nick Fury, of course.

I guess I don’t remember that scene

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1 minute ago, estradling75 said:

I am talking about the press and how she is being presented and advertised.  She is being put forth as a hero and a role model.  If she is on a hero's journey where she learns how and what it means to be a hero then great...  Otherwise this scene is a power fantasy

The Press can say Lord of The Rings was a love story about vampires, that doesn’t make it a love story about vampires.

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