BYU Speech Zeroes in On Those Who Feel Marginalized

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Every Tuesday at Brigham Young University, a guest speaker gives a devotional. This week's guest was psychologist Phillip Rash. He touched on a subject that usually doesn't get quite as much attention as it deserves. He chose to speak about the people who may have "never felt like they truly belong" at BYU, the Church, or in their community. About the periphery Phillip Rash speaking at BYU on June 4, 2019. In treating the subject, Rash spoke about how those who do feel accepted should treat those who may be having a different experience. "The important things is that we try," he said. "We acknowledge that there really is a margin and that some people have lived on that margin for a very long time. We acknowledge that history leaves scars. We rid ourselves of prejudice and withhold judgment. We listen with love and understanding and we activate holy empathy by recalling how we too were once strangers in the land of Egypt." There's a lot to be said about this speech. He touches...

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