Latter-day Saint Featured on “Faith Counts”

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Interfaith coalition Faith Counts is hardly obscure. With over half a million likes on Facebook (and counting!) it's certainly got a lot of momentum — which is just one of many reasons we're so excited that they recently featured a Latter-day Saint in their "Faces of Faith" series. If this is your first time hearing of Faith Counts, let me bring you up to speed. The coalition's website states its purpose succinctly and beautifully: "Faith Counts, LLC — a nonprofit, non-denominational organization comprised of faith communities representing nearly 100 million Americans. We’ve come together to share a simple message that “faith counts.” Each day, faith inspires people to reach out and help others. It connects them to a diverse and vibrant community. It empowers them to rise above the sometimes gritty reality of everyday life. There is a growing sense that faith should somehow be kept private. Many are embarrassed to share how their faith makes them who they are. We want to change that. So dive in and explore! No matter what...

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