Looking for a talk (or article)


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Hi - I'm having one of those moments where I cannot remember where or how I accessed a particular article containing a particular thought/concept, and cannot find it again either.

The one I am seeking - I THINK was somehow connected to one of the Come Follow Me - Adult Sunday School lessons within the last four months - perhaps I found it via the BYU Studies Quarterly or the BYU Religious Studies Centre app - not sure. Anyway. The concept it contains (I read it, but not sure if it was ever given as a verbal talk, or by whom) was about the Lord God allowing us this mortal experience to learn, and that he would allow us (neglect to intervene, in the name of our agency, you could say) to suffer the consequences of our actions, so that we could learn, suffering increasingly harder and  more devastating consequences the longer we doubled down on our error / refused to learn. There was a specific mention toward the end of the portion of the article that discussed this concept, that mentioned extreme cases like the Flood or the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as examples in which the people were so opposed to learning/repentance, that the Lord basically had to destroy everything and "start over". I wish I could remember more, perhaps even small specific phrases. I'd be grateful if someone here knew the article or talk to which I refer and could help me find it.




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I think you are referring to Elder Bednar's speech about hardships and how he discusses the young couple whose husband was diagnosed with cancer; although, I don't remember Sodom and Gomorrah as examples in that talk.

Let me see if I can find the link to his talk, and then you can determine if that is what you were asking for.

Edit: Link - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/broadcasts/article/ces-devotionals/2013/01/that-we-might-not-shrink-d-c-19-18?lang=eng

Edited by Anddenex
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