Questions for Apostles


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So last week we went to a youth fireside with Elder Bednar.  After a short presentation he opened up the discussion for questions.  He even gave out his phone number so questions could be asked anonymously.  He did the same for the Missionaries a day prior (for 3 hours).

His request was that the questions be inspired & appropriate to person, place, and time.

If you had the opportunity to ask an apostle any question or a series of questions what would they be?

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When will the church implement a policy stating that everyone, once they hit age 65,  must take a yearly class where they learn how to participate appropriately one Sunday school?

On a serious note however...

I’ve always been curious about what can be taken as truth and ought to be held as solid belief among all members of the church. I’ve always been under the impression that because I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, anything that the church publishes with its logo can and ought to be considered true. However, I have participated in many debates in this forum and with  senile old (and young) people where I provide a completely clear statement by the church from GC, Ensign, Website, scripture, and/or newsroom... and it is only met with doubt; argument, and obscure quotes from dead prophets, not found on any official church source, that vaguely back their argument.

So to simplify... Do we hold the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the truths it publishes as our rocks of belief? Or do we hold the words of every single president and apostle of the church that has ever lived as the rocks of our belief? What is the hierarchy of doctrinal teachings and sources?

I have yet to hear any clear answer on this from a GA, and would likely not accept any answer from anyone but a GA. And I want it said in a place where everyone can hear it and we can all point to it as a reference.

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26 minutes ago, mikbone said:

So last week we went to a youth fireside with Elder Bednar.  After a short presentation he opened up the discussion for questions.  He even gave out his phone number so questions could be asked anonymously.  He did the same for the Missionaries a day prior (for 3 hours).

His request was that the questions be appropriate to person, place, and time.

If you had the opportunity to ask an apostle any question or a series of questions what would they be?

I don't remember what i asked Bednar when he gave the same offer.... this has been his basic M.O. for at least 8 years.  I really like it.  

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1 hour ago, Fether said:

I’ve always been curious about what can be taken as truth and ought to be held as solid belief among all members of the church. I’ve always been under the impression that because I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, anything that the church publishes with its logo can and ought to be considered true. However, I have participated in many debates in this forum and with  senile old (and young) people where I provide a completely clear statement by the church from GC, Ensign, Website, scripture, and/or newsroom... and it is only met with doubt; argument, and obscure quotes from dead prophets, not found on any official church source, that vaguely back their argument.

Good question. I see that a lot as well, especially this week with the New Era publishing articles about the body and the Word of Wisdom. Many people try to skirt around true doctrine to serve their own purposes. "rules shouldn't be black and white, oh they don't really mean it like that, but I have special circumstances, but what about this?, etc..."  My answer would be to trust the living prophet, and seek the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost...they will both lead you right.

One question I would want to ask him is something about the Celestial Kingdom/eternal life. Christ has said that the path is narrow, and "few there be that find it". Does that pertain to the kingdom in general, or only the Highest Degree? 

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My question - Are there things GAs will say or talk about privately and/or off the record that they will not say or talk about openly in public and/or on the record?

I do believe I know the answer and that it is somewhat redundant but I thought to add it here on this thread because I think most questions have a variance of this question embedded or hidden in them.


The Traveler

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1) Why the huge variation of success among the sons and daughters of God? (we have scripture that talks about the favor Job had that even Satan noticed) Why not favor all those who ask, seek, and knock with success?

2) What do you think are reasons the adversary is able to deceive the elect?

3) Why do you think people feel like Heavenly Father isn't answering their prayers (or remains silent) when they ask about something very important in their lives?

4) What steps would you take to re-activate a member?

5) When did you know for yourself that God was truly in the details of your life?

6) Why did you choose your companion?

I would be interested in an apostles/prophets answers.

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“How would you have us defend controversial church moral stances and policies when we are confronted with friends and neighbors who allege that the Church has already admitted its error with the priesthood ban and that its current moral teachings are merely additional erroneous policies that haven’t been corrected yet?”

”Given the recent instructional changes in the temple, is there still a presumption that priesthood “presides” in the home?  If so, can we get some concrete examples of what “presiding” means, as opposed to the traditional discussion on what “presiding” does not mean?”

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46 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

4) What steps would you take to re-activate a member?

5) When did you know for yourself that God was truly in the details of your life?

These are incredible questions to ask a GA, thanks for sharing them

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One good question that day was about repetitive repentance on the same sin.

He related that he hated the old teaching with the 5 step check-list of repentance: recognize, sorrow, forsake, confess, restitution.  His main point was that the greatest part to repentance is turning (or returning) to God with real intent.

He also dislikes modern metaphors like how repentance can pry a nail out of a board, putty over the defect, sand it off and refinish it so you cant see the flaw.  He stated that the atonement doesn’t clean, it transforms.

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1 hour ago, Traveler said:

My question - Are there things GAs will say or talk about privately and/or off the record that they will not say or talk about openly in public and/or on the record?

I do believe I know the answer and that it is somewhat redundant but I thought to add it here on this thread because I think most questions have a variance of this question embedded or hidden in them.


The Traveler

He would have given a one word or single line response to this question.

I got the feeling that he has done this many times and thus was pretty ready for any question.

His big point was that the questions be inspired and appropriate to person, place and time.  

I got the feeling that his phone was getting blown up with questions and he just skipped over any that seemed rehearsed.

I had a whole slew of questions but none of them would have been appropriate to for the youth fireside.  

My twin brother had the opportunity to chauffeur Elder Maxwell around Oahu on his mission one day.  I freaked and asked him what questions he asked - and he said none, couldn’t think of any.  So I have had a list ever since...

Haven’t had the opportunity to unload the list yet but I’m hopeful.

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1 hour ago, Anddenex said:

1) Why the huge variation of success among the sons and daughters of God? (we have scripture that talks about the favor Job had that even Satan noticed) Why not favor all those who ask, seek, and knock with success?

2) What do you think are reasons the adversary is able to deceive the elect?

3) Why do you think people feel like Heavenly Father isn't answering their prayers (or remains silent) when they ask about something very important in their lives?

4) What steps would you take to re-activate a member?

5) When did you know for yourself that God was truly in the details of your life?

6) Why did you choose your companion?

I would be interested in an apostles/prophets answers.

These are the types of questions that he would likely have picked to answer.

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Reminds me of another story.  A friend of mine, Bishop in Sacramento, went to a leadership meeting with President Eyring.  Wherein Eyring asked them to share with him issues that keep them up at night as Bishops or Stake Presidents.

Then one bright Bishop asked Eyring what kept him up at night.  

His answer - Africa


kinda humbling.

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I think people somehow expect the GA's to know so much more than the rest of us, however, shareable doctrinal insights are few and far between; many are shared during General Conference.  My favorite parts of local visits from GA's come from listening to them share stories and real life experiences.

All the questions I would really be curious about asking would probably not get answered in a public setting (mostly opinion questions).  I don't think there's anything non-trivial anyone would get out of an apostle in such an environment outside of what is already available (and rightfully so).  The doctrine and how to apply it is widely available.

The last visit we had where there was a youth Q&A with a GA, one youth anonymously asked a question related to how they were actually dealing with same sex attraction; It was an excellent, appropriately worded question, but the response given was severely lacking (IMO), especially considering related material already available from the Church.  Aside from that single instance, overall I had a great experience.

I always enjoy listening to GA's, I just make sure to remind myself going in not to expect anything 'juicy' from the Q&A sessions.  Remember, the majority of members of the Church do not spend their free time on gospel internet forums.  Especially not the youth! 😊

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On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 4:57 PM, Just_A_Guy said:

“How would you have us defend controversial church moral stances and policies when we are confronted with friends and neighbors who allege that the Church has already admitted its error with the priesthood ban and that its current moral teachings are merely additional erroneous policies that haven’t been corrected yet?”

”Given the recent instructional changes in the temple, is there still a presumption that priesthood “presides” in the home?  If so, can we get some concrete examples of what “presiding” means, as opposed to the traditional discussion on what “presiding” does not mean?”

One of the great things about having questions submitted, is one can pick and choose what questions one actually feels is most appropriate to answer.

Not that an apostle would NOT address your questions, but I feel (especially the second one) that they would probably not be ones that would be addressed in general.

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On 8/15/2019 at 9:36 PM, person0 said:

I think people somehow expect the GA's to know so much more than the rest of us, however, shareable doctrinal insights are few and far between; many are shared during General Conference.  My favorite parts of local visits from GA's come from listening to them share stories and real life experiences.


Agreed.  My go to question is, "Tell us about a day in the life of a general authority.  What kinds of projects are you working on?  What specific assignments do you have?"

When asked that question in an adult session of stake conference Elder Larry Wilson talked about an effort to bring clean water to remote villages across Asia.  It was fascinating and exciting that the Church is involved in those kinds of efforts.  As a member of the temple committee he visited our local temple.  He asked how he could help...and ended up taking a couple of garbage bags out to the dumpster.  

Elder Anthony Perkins came to our ward one week.  He attended our PEC and Ward Council meetings.  He presided in sacrament meeting but did not speak other than sharing a brief testimony.  We corralled him for a combined Young Women and Young Men meeting.  In answer to my question, he talked about some of the day to day meetings he has, mentioned he'd had lunch with Pres. Eyering the previous Thursday then talked about the prayer assignments in General Conference, including specific time targets they are given.  He also mentioned one of his sons had timed his prayer at a recent conference and texted him that he'd gone 25 seconds over.

I like the question as the answer reminds folks that there is more to being a general authority than giving conference talks and reorganizing stake presidencies.

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