What LGBTQ+ hath wrot


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Guest MormonGator
Just now, Midwest LDS said:

Ah yes the woman who brought down a king. Just as well considering his later pro-Nazi statements though so alls well that ends well.

Actually, the Duke in his later life, while no saint, did privately express regret about his views on the Nazis. While never a supporter of them, he instead wanted "them and the communists to kill each other off." Though he was incapable of self reflection I strongly believe he was never pro-Nazi. Nor was Wallis. 

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Just now, MormonGator said:

Actually, the Duke in his later life, while no saint, did privately express regret about his views on the Nazis. While never a supporter of them, he instead wanted "them and the communists to kill each other off." Though he was incapable of self reflection I strongly believe he was never pro-Nazi. Nor was Wallis. 

Fair enough, but that was said later in life and it's always easy to claim "I didn't really mean it that way" after the fact. I never thought Wallis was pro-Nazi, just someone who wanted to marry a prince.

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41 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Ultimately all we really know is that people who gloat about being on the right side of history rarely are,

This is so true, but I take it a step farther: Anyone who warns you against being on "the wrong side of history" is wicked and should be summarily ignored in all things. If we base our actions on how we think our great-great-grandchildren will like them, then we are wicked and in dire need of repentance. If any feeling motivates us besides trying to do the right thing, whatever the cost, then we are unworthy of the blessings of the Lord.

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Guest MormonGator
16 minutes ago, Midwest LDS said:

Fair enough, but that was said later in life and it's always easy to claim "I didn't really mean it that way" after the fact. I never thought Wallis was pro-Nazi, just someone who wanted to marry a prince.

I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to feel sorry for him. Not only because of his circumstances but also because he was, well, immature, bratty, incapable of handling any adult responsibility nor could he sense his place in history. Basically me if I was royalty. Which I act like and think I am. 

Wallis was a woman who was more caught up in events than someone who was a social climber. Don't get me wrong, she was hardly innocent but I think history has been much too harsh on her. 

Edited by MormonGator
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7 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Actually, the Duke in his later life, while no saint, did privately express regret about his views on the Nazis.

I read this before seeing the previous posts establishing context, and I wondered if you were talking about "Il Duce" Benito Mussolini, and if so, what on earth you were smoking.

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3 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Wallis was a woman who was more caught up in events than someone who was a social climber. Don't get me wrong, she was hardly innocent but I think history has been much too harsh on her.

I have seen her described almost uniformly as "the American divorcée", to the point that I assumed that was what someone chiseled into her gravestone.

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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, Vort said:

I read this before seeing the previous posts establishing context, and I wondered if you were talking about "Il Duce" Benito Mussolini, and if so, 

lol. Wrong Duke dude. Which you now understand. 

3 minutes ago, Vort said:

 what on earth you were smoking.

Usually just weed, depends on the day. 

2 minutes ago, Vort said:

I have seen her described almost uniformly as "the American divorcée", to the point that I assumed that was what someone chiseled into her gravestone.

She is buried in Frogmore, along with her husband I can 100% assure you that is NOT on her tombstone! 

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3 hours ago, MormonGator said:

Like it or not young people are becoming more and more accepting of homosexuality. And, given my understanding of how time works, eventually the older generation and the way they think about the issue will slowly fade away (not an insult, how life works).  So the church is in a very, very difficult position. I feel sorry for them, they can't please everyone here. As evidenced by this thread-it's a loaded topic, and we agree on one thing @Just_A_Guy (actually we agree on a lot, and that disturbs me) it's a huge problem. 

This is the flaw in your thinking.  It's not the "young people's church".  It's Christ's.  

Why do inactive people spend so much time worrying about what the church does?  Why keep pushing it?  I really don't get it.

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26 minutes ago, Grunt said:

Why do inactive people spend so much time worrying about what the church does?  Why keep pushing it?  I really don't get it.

The church can still be a large part of a person's life even when they do not attend.  Being a member of this church affects more of a person's life than almost any other organization, even for people who don't attend.  

And honestly, it isn't the inactive member on this thread that is worrying about what the church is doing.

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1 minute ago, dprh said:

The church can still be a large part of a person's life even when they do not attend.  Being a member of this church affects more of a person's life than almost any other organization, even for people who don't attend.  

I understand that, yet it doesn't address my point.

2 minutes ago, dprh said:

And honestly, it isn't the inactive member on this thread that is worrying about what the church is doing.

Sure they are.  

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33  For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.

(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 26:33)

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