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A shill? Nah, I wouldn't say that. What's really happened is that the Republican party has made it way too easy for CNN to generate headlines, and they weren't able to resist turning towards sensationalism every time republicans did something controversial.


I really loathe bipartisanism. It's constantly pressuring you to be either one side or the other with no in-between. Why can't anyone else see that the devil is obviously behind all this?

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Guest LiterateParakeet
5 minutes ago, Moonbeast32 said:

I really loathe bipartisanism. It's constantly pressuring you to be either one side or the other with no in-between. Why can't anyone else see that the devil is obviously behind all this?

I'm with you. 

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7 minutes ago, Moonbeast32 said:

A shill? Nah, I wouldn't say that. What's really happened is that the Republican party has made it way too easy for CNN to generate headlines, and they weren't able to resist turning towards sensationalism every time republicans did something controversial.

This is HILARIOUS.  Did you forget this guy?  What controversial thing did this Republican do?



7 minutes ago, Moonbeast32 said:

I really loathe bipartisanism. It's constantly pressuring you to be either one side or the other with no in-between. Why can't anyone else see that the devil is obviously behind all this?

Yet you happily engage in it!  The irony!

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Guest MormonGator
15 minutes ago, Vort said:


(Seriously. That was his crime. He smiled. A white guy smiled. No wonder everyone got upset.)

I feel sorry for him. He was a kid and didn't deserve the hatred he got. 

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12 hours ago, Moonbeast32 said:

Curious why you think that. Mind ellaborating? From my perspective, I do not, and have not.

Sure.  Here:

16 hours ago, Moonbeast32 said:

What's really happened is that the Republican party has made it way too easy for CNN to generate headlines, and they weren't able to resist turning towards sensationalism every time republicans did something controversial.

That's, of course, engaging in partisanship - as the Democrats have just as easily done controversial things that CNN could generate headlines for but they didn't that you conveniently don't mention.  And my example of Nick Sandman is primafacie evidence that what CNN is engaged in has nothing to do with Republicans nor Democrats generating their own controversy.  CNN is more than capable of generating controversy where there is none - even to the point of withholding evidence that point to the contrary - as long as it promotes their selected narrative.



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16 hours ago, Vort said:


(Seriously. That was his crime. He smiled. A white guy smiled. No wonder everyone got upset.)

The smile that earned $275M.  

Okay okay, that number is just made up.  They didn't disclose the settlement amount.

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6 hours ago, anatess2 said:

That's, of course, engaging in partisanship - as the Democrats have just as easily done controversial things that CNN could generate headlines for but they didn't that you conveniently don't mention.

Then you have fallen into the trap of bipartisanship, and are case in point of what I'm trying to say; the very reason I loathe it.

I'm guessing you think I'm a Democrat now because I was somewhat critical of Republicans. After all, if you're not with us, you're against us, right? I assure you, I've got my criticisms of both the left and the right, but never at any time have I voted for either save at the local level. I have never endorsed a presidential, congressional, or house candidate belonging to either party. This is because in my entire adult lifetime, both parties have failed to produce a candidate that meets the standards I'm looking for.


You've been deceived into thinking it's one or the other. They've conditioned you to jump to conclusions like you did here. Partisans benefit from people who think like that. I beg of you to withdraw from the false narrative. It's so much more damaging than you realize, particularly to the rising generation.

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14 minutes ago, Moonbeast32 said:

Then you have fallen into the trap of bipartisanship, and are case in point of what I'm trying to say; the very reason I loathe it.

If you actually loathed bipartisanship as you claim, I would think you'd be the first in line to condemn CNN's unabashed Democrat Party drum-beating. Instead, you claim that CNN's actions are...the Republicans' fault! That doesn't sound even a little bit like someone who honestly hates "the trap of bipartisanship". It sounds much more like someone who hates Republicans and willingly blames them as the foundational cause of the evil actions of others.

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2 hours ago, Vort said:

If you actually loathed bipartisanship as you claim, I would think you'd be the first in line to condemn CNN's unabashed Democrat Party drum-beating. Instead, you claim that CNN's actions are...the Republicans' fault! That doesn't sound even a little bit like someone who honestly hates "the trap of bipartisanship". It sounds much more like someone who hates Republicans and willingly blames them as the foundational cause of the evil actions of others.

Kind of like blaming a rape victim... "oh if you hadn't acted that way it wouldn't have happened"

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On 1/24/2020 at 6:00 PM, Moonbeast32 said:

Then you have fallen into the trap of bipartisanship, and are case in point of what I'm trying to say; the very reason I loathe it.

This is bugging me... it's not "bipartisanship".  It's "partisanship".  Even if there's only two parties (there aren't just two), it's still called "partisanship" - that act of putting one party over reason.

Bipartisanship means - cooperation between 2 parties.


On 1/24/2020 at 6:00 PM, Moonbeast32 said:

I'm guessing you think I'm a Democrat now because I was somewhat critical of Republicans.  After all, if you're not with us, you're against us, right?


I couldn't care less what party you're affiliated with.  It doesn't change the fact that your statement was PARTISAN - putting party over reason, unreasonably blaming one party for things other parties are just as culpable.

I'm not American.  American political parties hold no meaning for me.  Only political actions do.



  I assure you, I've got my criticisms of both the left and the right, but never at any time have I voted for either save at the local level. I have never endorsed a presidential, congressional, or house candidate belonging to either party. This is because in my entire adult lifetime, both parties have failed to produce a candidate that meets the standards I'm looking for.

Irrelevant.  You engaged in partisan commentary.  You should stop contradicting your non-partisan claims with partisan statements.



You've been deceived into thinking it's one or the other. They've conditioned you to jump to conclusions like you did here. Partisans benefit from people who think like that. I beg of you to withdraw from the false narrative. It's so much more damaging than you realize, particularly to the rising generation.

Stop projecting.  I don't have to jump to any conclusions when your statement bears proof of my criticism.

Let me remind you of your statement.  This ⬇️ is a partisan statement.

On 1/23/2020 at 6:15 PM, Moonbeast32 said:

What's really happened is that the Republican party has made it way too easy for CNN to generate headlines, and they weren't able to resist turning towards sensationalism every time republicans did something controversial.

Edited by anatess2
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