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When I was a BYU undergrad studying physics, one of the things we were taught was that time appeared to be unidirectional*. This was used to explain entropy, why heat never flowed "uphill" and why a balloon might explode but not spontaneously reassemble. This article reports on an experiment that takes things a large step further, suggesting that non-reversibility occurs in stellar systems from perturbations as small as the Planck length (!!!). The suggestion is that chaos (in the mathematical sense) is literally built into the universe. Very, very interesting, from both a physics and a metaphysics point of view.

*I always wondered if this unidirectionality might not be explained simply by the nature of human psychology and perception. Maybe time flows in both directions, but we only perceive it as flowing in one? But the above article would suggest that, no, perfect temporal reversibility is not possible in all cases. That argues pretty persuasively for one-way time. As I tell my children, "I have travel here through time from 1963 to bring you this message: Sweep the floor."

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Melding this into the Gospel, I think that this differentiates us between our Mortal and temporary life and that of Eternal life.

When Adam fell, I think that perhaps this was a change not just to him, but to the entirety of the world around him and how we perceive it as well.  In this, entropy and chaos were entered into the equation, meaning that death was introduced.  Because of this, all things die...even the universe around us.  Things go on a downward spiral until eventually things devolve to a dead state.

However, if eternity is to go on, then something must be able to create or do the exact opposite.  The opposite of dying is gaining more life...OR it could be also seen as being at the high point of the energy and never decreasing.  Thus, perhaps in eternity, the exact opposite of a dying universe is done and instead the universe does not operate as per our laws of physics, but a higher manifestation thereof.

Some say that eternal life is one eternal round.  In this, perhaps time does not even exist as we understand it in the eternities, with us able to go to any point at any spot as we desire, while we may measure the passing of our experiences in some way (perhaps as an increase in glory), we have no limitations upon the when or where as we do now. 

In truth, the power of eternity would be where we are married in this life by temporary power, that marriage will end as it has had a beginning, it must have an end.  However, when we are sealed for eternity in the temple, that marriage effectively becomes as if it has always been.  It has no beginning and no end, thus being eternal in that there is no beginning nor an end, having always been.  The same could apply to us if we become eternal, we have no beginning or end of it, because at our Father's decree and with his power, it becomes eternal, or having no beginning or end.  We have ALWAYS been in that and even though we may have an ascension of glory which we can measure, in the eternal reckoning his power makes it so that we have always been and always will be as such.

Of course, this is just mild speculation, but then, many things are speculation today.  My speculation though probably is more based on faith than science, and as such science will probably be the more relatable in our mortal existence today.

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