OK what happens after judgement? kind of a corny question

Guest Gomezaddams51

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Guest Gomezaddams51

I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring.  So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?  Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?  What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off?  Does it grow back?  And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)?  And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

I am just trying to get my mind into what awaits me...  I know these sound kind of dumb but as they say, Inquiring minds want to know.


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5 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring.  So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?  Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?  What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off?  Does it grow back?  And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)?  And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

I am just trying to get my mind into what awaits me...  I know these sound kind of dumb but as they say, Inquiring minds want to know.


Well, first off, I'm not sure why you think you could never make it to the celestial Kingdom.  Have you gone and committed adultery and then committed first degree murder on that individual while knowing that the church is true and deciding that you want to destroy the church by committing this murder?


Then, you can learn more about the eternal nature of the atonement and how merciful the Lord is.  It is possible for repentance to come for all men that are willing.

In regards to the judgment, my thoughts are that it will be more on us and what we want to do in the afterlife as represented and shown in this life.  The spirit which we have in this life (the predisposition and attitudes we carry) will be the same with us in the next.  Thus, one who has no desire to really gain exaltation may have that same spirit with them in the next life.

In essence, the Lord puts down rules and laws which we follow in accordance to where we want to be and what type of people we want to be around.  Those who want to live in his house, abide by his rules.  However, as he loves and respects us, he is not going to force us to abide by those rules, but if we do not, then he doesn't want us to destroy his house and his rules.  He still loves us though, and so he has created other places that we can go if we so desire.  There will be those that don't want to follow his rules in his house, and thus will not want to live in his house under those rules.

Basically, the Celestial Kingdom will be with those living the Celestial Laws and who chose to follow the Celestial rules.  This comes with some benefits that go with living in that Kingdom.  If that is something you want, and you wish to live by those rules, the Celestial Kingdom can still be someplace to try to go.

Now, there will be many (as there are on this earth) that don't want to live by those rules.  Instead of being the type of judge that kicks us into exile, or says...good luck with that and let's us try to do it alone, he has created a place for those who do not wish to live with him to go.

There are those that are really good people, but they just don't want to do certain things.  Perhaps in the Pre-existence they had already determined they didn't want the responsibility of being a parent in eternity, or helping to raise children and be responsible for the whole headache of regulating universal laws and organizing planets and animals.  They didn't want that responsibility and so chose a life here on earth where they would not choose to accept the gospel or it's ordinances.

Perhaps you had those that didn't feel the way the Lord ruled his house was the right way, or they didn't quite agree with all the thoughts of the Lord.  However, they are still really good people.  They worship the Lord, they do good things, and all around are really nice.  They might not want to do the entire Celestial Kingdom stuff, but they want a good place to live and people who are likeminded to live around.  This society still practices worship, they still believe in loving their neighbors and sharing.  They still have most of the things that we would consider makes one a saint.  These may be those people that live in the Terrestrial Kingdom.  They are not bad people at all, in fact some of them may be the best people on Earth. 

We do not know a ton about the Terrestrial Kingdom, except that it is greater and more magnificent than the Telestial on a degree of how much greater the light is from the moon from the starlight we see at night.  They may have the power to call into existence whatever they want for their personal enjoyment.  They may not be able to create universes or have children, but they may be able to create many things that we can only dream of here.  They will have their artists and writers and others that can create new things eternally.  Just like we have things here which we have to keep us entertained, or to keep us interested and learning, they will also have such things most likely.

In regards to procreation, or the ability to do such things, they will lack that power.  In fact, as most of them are good and desire the things of the Lord, they will not wish to even try to be immoral or engender immorality of any sort.  They will have friendships, but marriage is not something that is in that Kingdom, and as these are those that are still loyal to the Lord and desire that type of life in their own kingdom, they will not participate in those types of activities outside of marriage.

The Telestial Kingdom is something different.  There are as many different manifestations of the Telestial Kingdom as there will be people in it.  It differs as one star does from another.  A type of example of the Telestial Kingdom would be a garden paradise, similar to the garden of Eden.  All that one wants will be provided for them as they need.  AS for immorality, it will not even be an option.  They will not have the ability nor the means.  It will simply be stripped from them to even do so.  There is no such (marriage or procreative acts) thing in the Telestial Kingdom.  They may still have the ability to create art and other things, even in that Kingdom, as per how they desire to do so.  Just as we have the ability to entertain ourselves on this earth, so will they there.

Most of these people have different desires than that which the Lord has.  They would not want to live in such a place as the Celestial or Terrestrial Kingdom.  They want to enjoy the luxuries of THIS world or have natures which make them desire the things of this world over that which the lord would want.  As such, they normally would rebel or be extremely unhappy if they went to a place where they were under rules and laws which constrained them.  If they had the abilities of the higher Kingdoms, they would wont to abuse them, at times against the rules of the Lord in the Celestial, or against the wishes of those in the Terrestrial.  This means, some of the abilities that those in higher kingdoms possess will not be granted to those in the Telestial Kingdom.  Immorality will not even be a thing they can really participate in. They will not even have the function to be able to do so, or so it is speculated.

Some hypothesize that there are no women in the Telestial Kingdom at all, but I'm not sure that is true. 

They will still have things beyond what we can imagine in this life.  There will be peace and freedom for them.  They will still be able to construct things as they wish, and such sciences as engineering and other disciplines will still exist.  They won't have to worry about disease or many of the other factors we worry about in this life.  They will be able to build and construct things to make their lives different if they wish to do such.  If not, they will still be in a paradise where food and shelter naturally will be available. 

These are those that have variant desires than that of the Lord.  They don't want to live under any of those rules.  In fact, to get to the Telestial Kingdom all they had or have to do is accept the Lord's atonement.  This can be done at any time, in this life or the next.  They simply need to bow the knee and accept the Lord's atonement so that their sins can be washed away.  Some will not do this in this life, and some will take a while in hell being punished for their sins until they accept that they do not have to go through such pain and torment if they simply allow the Lord to take it upon himself instead.  Then, the atonement takes hold and they have a place of paradise to live.  That said, they still will have a similar spirit to what they had on this earth.  If they were murderers and loved to murder, they will have a similar spirit, but the ability to murder will be gone.  If they were adulterers who loved to do such, the ability to even participate in such acts no longer exists for them.  However, they will still have a paradise to live in greater than anything we currently have on this planet.

These are simply thoughts I have (not really an opinion as such, and definitely not doctrine) in answer to your question.  Hopefully it answers some of what you are seeking.

I still think that if you are weighed down by sin, that you can always seek repentance and that in the end, it really will be up to us and our choice of where we want to be and where we want to go in the afterlife.  It is more on what WE wish and desire to do and where to go I think than many realize.

Edited by JohnsonJones
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17 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring.  So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?  Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?  What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off?  Does it grow back?  And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)?  And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

I am just trying to get my mind into what awaits me...  I know these sound kind of dumb but as they say, Inquiring minds want to know.


Take a good read here about who goes to which kingdom: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-principles/chapter-46-the-final-judgment


you should likely be in prison right now if you think you are only Telestial material 

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18 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring. 

That's kinda the point.  That's why you probably want to repent, change, and prepare yourself for the Celestial.

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20 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring.  So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?  Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?  What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off?  Does it grow back?  And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)?  And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

I am just trying to get my mind into what awaits me...  I know these sound kind of dumb but as they say, Inquiring minds want to know.


According to the scriptures, you’ve already been alive and aware forever. Are you bored yet?

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14 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

Well, first off, I'm not sure why you think you could never make it to the celestial Kingdom.  Have you gone and committed adultery and then committed first degree murder on that individual while knowing that the church is true and deciding that you want to destroy the church by committing this murder?


Then, you can learn more about the eternal nature of the atonement and how merciful the Lord is.  It is possible for repentance to come for all men that are willing.

In regards to the judgment, my thoughts are that it will be more on us and what we want to do in the afterlife as represented and shown in this life.  The spirit which we have in this life (the predisposition and attitudes we carry) will be the same with us in the next.  Thus, one who has no desire to really gain exaltation may have that same spirit with them in the next life.

In essence, the Lord puts down rules and laws which we follow in accordance to where we want to be and what type of people we want to be around.  Those who want to live in his house, abide by his rules.  However, as he loves and respects us, he is not going to force us to abide by those rules, but if we do not, then he doesn't want us to destroy his house and his rules.  He still loves us though, and so he has created other places that we can go if we so desire.  There will be those that don't want to follow his rules in his house, and thus will not want to live in his house under those rules.

Basically, the Celestial Kingdom will be with those living the Celestial Laws and who chose to follow the Celestial rules.  This comes with some benefits that go with living in that Kingdom.  If that is something you want, and you wish to live by those rules, the Celestial Kingdom can still be someplace to try to go.

Now, there will be many (as there are on this earth) that don't want to live by those rules.  Instead of being the type of judge that kicks us into exile, or says...good luck with that and let's us try to do it alone, he has created a place for those who do not wish to live with him to go.

There are those that are really good people, but they just don't want to do certain things.  Perhaps in the Pre-existence they had already determined they didn't want the responsibility of being a parent in eternity, or helping to raise children and be responsible for the whole headache of regulating universal laws and organizing planets and animals.  They didn't want that responsibility and so chose a life here on earth where they would not choose to accept the gospel or it's ordinances.

Perhaps you had those that didn't feel the way the Lord ruled his house was the right way, or they didn't quite agree with all the thoughts of the Lord.  However, they are still really good people.  They worship the Lord, they do good things, and all around are really nice.  They might not want to do the entire Celestial Kingdom stuff, but they want a good place to live and people who are likeminded to live around.  This society still practices worship, they still believe in loving their neighbors and sharing.  They still have most of the things that we would consider makes one a saint.  These may be those people that live in the Terrestrial Kingdom.  They are not bad people at all, in fact some of them may be the best people on Earth. 

We do not know a ton about the Terrestrial Kingdom, except that it is greater and more magnificent than the Telestial on a degree of how much greater the light is from the moon from the starlight we see at night.  They may have the power to call into existence whatever they want for their personal enjoyment.  They may not be able to create universes or have children, but they may be able to create many things that we can only dream of here.  They will have their artists and writers and others that can create new things eternally.  Just like we have things here which we have to keep us entertained, or to keep us interested and learning, they will also have such things most likely.

In regards to procreation, or the ability to do such things, they will lack that power.  In fact, as most of them are good and desire the things of the Lord, they will not wish to even try to be immoral or engender immorality of any sort.  They will have friendships, but marriage is not something that is in that Kingdom, and as these are those that are still loyal to the Lord and desire that type of life in their own kingdom, they will not participate in those types of activities outside of marriage.

The Telestial Kingdom is something different.  There are as many different manifestations of the Telestial Kingdom as there will be people in it.  It differs as one star does from another.  A type of example of the Telestial Kingdom would be a garden paradise, similar to the garden of Eden.  All that one wants will be provided for them as they need.  AS for immorality, it will not even be an option.  They will not have the ability nor the means.  It will simply be stripped from them to even do so.  There is no such (marriage or procreative acts) thing in the Telestial Kingdom.  They may still have the ability to create art and other things, even in that Kingdom, as per how they desire to do so.  Just as we have the ability to entertain ourselves on this earth, so will they there.

Most of these people have different desires than that which the Lord has.  They would not want to live in such a place as the Celestial or Terrestrial Kingdom.  They want to enjoy the luxuries of THIS world or have natures which make them desire the things of this world over that which the lord would want.  As such, they normally would rebel or be extremely unhappy if they went to a place where they were under rules and laws which constrained them.  If they had the abilities of the higher Kingdoms, they would wont to abuse them, at times against the rules of the Lord in the Celestial, or against the wishes of those in the Terrestrial.  This means, some of the abilities that those in higher kingdoms possess will not be granted to those in the Telestial Kingdom.  Immorality will not even be a thing they can really participate in. They will not even have the function to be able to do so, or so it is speculated.

Some hypothesize that there are no women in the Telestial Kingdom at all, but I'm not sure that is true. 

They will still have things beyond what we can imagine in this life.  There will be peace and freedom for them.  They will still be able to construct things as they wish, and such sciences as engineering and other disciplines will still exist.  They won't have to worry about disease or many of the other factors we worry about in this life.  They will be able to build and construct things to make their lives different if they wish to do such.  If not, they will still be in a paradise where food and shelter naturally will be available. 

These are those that have variant desires than that of the Lord.  They don't want to live under any of those rules.  In fact, to get to the Telestial Kingdom all they had or have to do is accept the Lord's atonement.  This can be done at any time, in this life or the next.  They simply need to bow the knee and accept the Lord's atonement so that their sins can be washed away.  Some will not do this in this life, and some will take a while in hell being punished for their sins until they accept that they do not have to go through such pain and torment if they simply allow the Lord to take it upon himself instead.  Then, the atonement takes hold and they have a place of paradise to live.  That said, they still will have a similar spirit to what they had on this earth.  If they were murderers and loved to murder, they will have a similar spirit, but the ability to murder will be gone.  If they were adulterers who loved to do such, the ability to even participate in such acts no longer exists for them.  However, they will still have a paradise to live in greater than anything we currently have on this planet.

These are simply thoughts I have (not really an opinion as such, and definitely not doctrine) in answer to your question.  Hopefully it answers some of what you are seeking.

I still think that if you are weighed down by sin, that you can always seek repentance and that in the end, it really will be up to us and our choice of where we want to be and where we want to go in the afterlife.  It is more on what WE wish and desire to do and where to go I think than many realize.

Doctrine and Covenants 76 tells us that the inheritors of the Telestial kingdom of glory will enjoy the enlightening and empowering companionship of the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Godhead, and that they will also be ministered to (taught) by angelic ministrants and by beings of greater light and knowledge from the terrestrial glory. If you are correct, how strange it is to contemplate that many of the inheritors of the Telestial glory will somehow simultaneously be “repentant“ murderers and whoremongers, who enjoy the companionship of holy ministrants, yet they will apparently skulk around wishing they could kill people and/or engage in unholy and impure sex acts. I‘m guessIng that in the Telestial kingdom the earthly rules are bent so one can simultaneously enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost yet remain impure and unclean.

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21 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring.  So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?  Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?  What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off?  Does it grow back?  And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)?  And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

I am just trying to get my mind into what awaits me...  I know these sound kind of dumb but as they say, Inquiring minds want to know.


I would quote my father from so many years ago.  You are today what you have spent billions of years becoming.  If you are pleased with how things have turned out with the decision you have made - what is the point of thinking about changing anything?

Before you answer - I read an article about happiness.  It seems that happiness is relative.  There was a study where a particular worker received a bonus and a raise because it was far more than expected.  But when they found out that everybody in the company received a larger bonus and more substantial raise they became very disappointed.


The Traveler

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22 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring.  So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?  Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?  What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off?  Does it grow back?  And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)?  And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

I am just trying to get my mind into what awaits me...  I know these sound kind of dumb but as they say, Inquiring minds want to know.


Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring.  So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?

What is done every day in the two lower kingdoms has not been revealed. It could be very boring, but what are you comparing it to? It also could be enjoyable according to its sphere of service, decisions, etc...

So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?

Hasn't been revealed.

Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?

I'm confused, if you are a member this should be a plain and easy question if you have ever studied your scriptures. If you are not a member, you can discover this answer with a little bit of research very easily.

What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off? Does it grow back?

What do you think exists in heaven, where things are spiritual in nature, that would cut off your hand? We aren't making saws or any form of hardware to create/make anything.

And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)?

That's morbid. What would happen if we all played the Olympic sport Ball and Chain, and we threw it so hard that it hit someone. Would it hurt?

Better yet, what if we decided to bite our finger, would it hurt? What if we decided to bite our finger off? Would it bleed, ooze, spill, squirt -- but most of all would it hurt?

And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

What makes you think she would shack up with you? You might be able to find a telestial minded woman in this life, but what makes you think a Telestial woman who has been glorified, repented, and has no intent to harm anyone would find a person who thinks throwing a knife at someone would be fun (especially if it sticks) would be worth her time? I think you have to much confidence in yourself, and not enough confidence in a woman to recognize a fraud when she sees one.

Edited by Anddenex
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After suffering for your sins for a millennia in hell "boring" will feel like heaven. As for your question about shacking up, whoever said your resurrected body will even maintain that ability? What makes you think the Lord has any intention of letting such a sacred act be polluted by those who have proven in this life that they can't be trusted with such a gift? Remember, all blessings come by obedience to some law. There will not be any blessing in any kingdom given but to those to whom it can be trusted with.

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On 7/2/2020 at 11:57 PM, Gomezaddams51 said:

I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?  Seems like if you are stuck there for infinity, every day is going to be just like the last day and it is going to be very boring.  So what is the Church "stand" on the lower kingdoms?  Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?  What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off?  Does it grow back?  And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)?  And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

I am just trying to get my mind into what awaits me...  I know these sound kind of dumb but as they say, Inquiring minds want to know.

Ask the missionaries -- they can help!

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Okay, my perspective, as an outsider, probably is quite ignorant. However, I somehow got the impression that all three kingdoms were...well...heavenly realms. So, I imagine that the terrestrial kingdom is exponentially better than the telestial one, and that the celestial kingdom is exponentially better than the terrestrial one, but that even the telestial kingdom is better than our current state--perhaps, again, exponentially so. In other words, it's all good, all challenging, all Heavenly Father (through His Son or Spirit) allowing us to develop to our personal bests. It may well be that telestial living would seem pathetic to one accustomed to the higher realms. However, it is likely the most appropriate and balanced for those who will reside there. I doubt anyone will be bored--even in the outer darkness.

[Now, let the faithful fill in the huge gaps I just left behind...]

Edited by prisonchaplain
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55 minutes ago, prisonchaplain said:

Okay, my perspective, as an outsider, probably is quite ignorant. However, I somehow got the impression that all three kingdoms were...well...heavenly realms. So, I imagine that the terrestrial kingdom is exponentially better than the telestial one, and that the celestial kingdom is exponentially better than the terrestrial one, but that even the telestial kingdom is better than our current state--perhaps, again, exponentially so. In other words, it's all good, all challenging, all Heavenly Father (through His Son or Spirit) allowing us to develop to our personal bests. It may well be that telestial living would seem pathetic to one accustomed to the higher realms. However, it is likely the most appropriate and balanced for those who will reside there. I doubt anyone will be bored--even in the outer darkness.

[Now, let the faithful fill in the huge gaps I just left behind...]

You understand correctly.  Even the Telestial Kingdom is described as "surpassing all understanding."  Then each level above is that much better than the previous.

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On 7/2/2020 at 9:57 PM, Gomezaddams51 said:

1.  I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced . . .

2. Secondly, since we are resurrected do our bodies feel pain, like if we dropped a rock on our foot?  What happens if by chance you get your arm stuck in something and it gets cut off?  Does it grow back?  And what happens if you throw a knife at someone and it sticks in them (I think this would be great fun)? 

3.  And the final question since we have our bodies and lots of spare time, what happens if you come a cross a little cutie and go shack up?  Yeah I know, no kids or spirits created that is only the Celestial Kingdom shtick but hey prisoners got to have some fun...

1.  To view the degrees of glory as something you either “earn” or “are sentenced to”, is to miss the whole point of the Plan of Salvation.  It’s not about what you do; it’s about what you become.  To suggest that you’ve reached a point in life where you are no longer able to become celestial material—or to suggest that, having become celestialized, you are “owed” a certain form of existence—is fundamentally to deny the atonement of Christ.

2.  The scriptures suggest that physical pain itself is a condition limited to fallen mortality.  As far as how a resurrected body would react to a maiming-type event:  it’s all conjecture at this point; but it seems to me that most maiming-type accidents are either the result of a) careless/limited information/foresight by the injured person, and/or b) being subject to the powers of a malicious third party. I have no reason to believe that either a) or b) would be the case in eternity.

To speculate about a resurrected being getting their arm stuck in a meat grinder, or stabbing another resurrected being just to see what would happen—one may as well ask if God would ever torture kittens for fun.  I suppose it may be physically possible, but His perfected character—and those of resurrected beings—renders it utterly inconceivable.  That’s what the thousand years of hell does—it offers individual deconstruction as an alternative to individual destruction.  Where it succeeds, the result is redemption and a nature that renders the individual—if not fully prepared to join the council of gods as a peer and exercise divine authority over new generations of creations—at least finally able and willing to abide some form of law that renders them absolutely harmless to others. Where the process doesn’t succeed, the result is perdition—the state of being lost—the only state, according to scripture, in which there has been no redemption.

3.  I don’t know whether sexual desire will even exist amongst resurrected beings, or solely among certain classes of resurrected beings.  But if we spend our time in the here-and-now wondering about spending an eternity having sex rather than—say—spending an eternity composing symphonies, or studying architecture, or calculating gravitational constants, or making the perfect soufflé, or just watching a sunset and shooting the breeze with our loved ones; then the world (and especially, our sexual urges) are probably dominating our priorities a little more than they ought. 

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Guest Gomezaddams51
On 7/3/2020 at 2:58 PM, Fether said:

Take a good read here about who goes to which kingdom: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-principles/chapter-46-the-final-judgment


you should likely be in prison right now if you think you are only Telestial material 

I was lucky and never caught.  I have mellowed in my old age and have not done anything "evil" in the last 10 years.  I am 69 and although I do not have anything even remotely resembling a testimony, I never believed in the church even though I was baptized at 9, My mother ruled the roost and I was going to get baptized and go on a mission if it killed me.  Once I was free of her I dropped out of the church and have not gone for the last 40 years.  So over the years I have done a lot of bad things, drugs, stole, and was just a general scumbag.  I won't go into some of the things I have done but let's just say I probably should have been in prison, just never caught.  I married my second wife 9 years ago, we lived together for a couple of years before I married her.  The missionaries started coming by, Up until 9 years ago I was able to hide from them but once you buy a house you are kind of stuck.  My wife got interested in the church and was baptized.  We started going to church, I went for her, because she is legally blind and I figured she was going to need some sort of support if I died. 

Another reason I feel I am on the pathway to "hell" is I feel nothing.  I have no emotions, I do not feel love, empathy, anything.  I have lived my life faking it, I have watched movies, read books, and TV and can for the most part fool most people.  I never loved my first wife, or my children I had with her and could care less if I ever see them.  My second wife is a bit, mentally challenged so she just goes along with the flow.  I tell her I love her (I don't) and she is happy.  I like having her around most of the time, beats having a couple of dogs or cats.  And the sex isn't to bad.  I have been to several shrinks and have a list of diagnosis a mile long.  LOL One of my old girlfriends told me she thought her ex-husband was the coldest most unemotional human alive, until she met me.  So that is the sick sad story...

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8 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

I was lucky and never caught.  I have mellowed in my old age and have not done anything "evil" in the last 10 years.  I am 69 and although I do not have anything even remotely resembling a testimony, I never believed in the church even though I was baptized at 9, My mother ruled the roost and I was going to get baptized and go on a mission if it killed me.  Once I was free of her I dropped out of the church and have not gone for the last 40 years.  So over the years I have done a lot of bad things, drugs, stole, and was just a general scumbag.  I won't go into some of the things I have done but let's just say I probably should have been in prison, just never caught.  I married my second wife 9 years ago, we lived together for a couple of years before I married her.  The missionaries started coming by, Up until 9 years ago I was able to hide from them but once you buy a house you are kind of stuck.  My wife got interested in the church and was baptized.  We started going to church, I went for her, because she is legally blind and I figured she was going to need some sort of support if I died. 

Another reason I feel I am on the pathway to "hell" is I feel nothing.  I have no emotions, I do not feel love, empathy, anything.  I have lived my life faking it, I have watched movies, read books, and TV and can for the most part fool most people.  I never loved my first wife, or my children I had with her and could care less if I ever see them.  My second wife is a bit, mentally challenged so she just goes along with the flow.  I tell her I love her (I don't) and she is happy.  I like having her around most of the time, beats having a couple of dogs or cats.  And the sex isn't to bad.  I have been to several shrinks and have a list of diagnosis a mile long.  LOL One of my old girlfriends told me she thought her ex-husband was the coldest most unemotional human alive, until she met me.  So that is the sick sad story...

Repentance is always a thing.  You can always try to repent and do your best.  After that, it is left up to the Lord.

Of course, it is up to the individual on whether they need to or do not need to repent.  It is their choice. 

Regardless, where one ends up (in my thoughts) is very much up to them.  Even those who end up in the Lowest degree of Glory (or at least it has been said) will have a place far more glorious than anything on this Earth.  That said, of course we should shoot for the highest degree. 

In the end, of course it is up to your own choices and decisions.  Even then, we do not know where you would end up.  With some disabilities, they hinder individuals from being able to make choices that they would have otherwise made.  In the eternities, these disabilities will no longer be a problem, and at that time it may be that your choices will help determine a better end than what you think you are going to get now.

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Guest Gomezaddams51
14 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

Repentance is always a thing.  You can always try to repent and do your best.  After that, it is left up to the Lord.

Of course, it is up to the individual on whether they need to or do not need to repent.  It is their choice. 

Regardless, where one ends up (in my thoughts) is very much up to them.  Even those who end up in the Lowest degree of Glory (or at least it has been said) will have a place far more glorious than anything on this Earth.  That said, of course we should shoot for the highest degree. 

In the end, of course it is up to your own choices and decisions.  Even then, we do not know where you would end up.  With some disabilities, they hinder individuals from being able to make choices that they would have otherwise made.  In the eternities, these disabilities will no longer be a problem, and at that time it may be that your choices will help determine a better end than what you think you are going to get now.

Perhaps.  I have been diagnosed by one shrink as a Schizoid, another said I had Reactive Attachment Disorder, and another was trying to decide if I was a functioning sociopath or a functioning psychopath I quit going to her.  I have no idea if this judgement stuff is real or BS.  For that matter I have no idea if there is a god or not.  What got me wondering is having to take my wife to church, they are pushing her to go to the temple and are teaching her all sorts of stuff and one of them was the judgement and the 3 kingdoms.  I look at it this way if there is a god, he created me the way I am so I guess I am one of his disposables.  I lived for 69 years on my own with no help from anyone, in the heavens or on earth.  Any way since I am at the age where I may be dead tomorrow I am looking at all the angles.  To me the best so far is Reincarnation since you get to keep trying until you get it right.  Much more just than only having one chance and getting screwed and end up on some prison planet for ever with no chance to continue on.

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9 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

Perhaps.  I have been diagnosed by one shrink as a Schizoid, another said I had Reactive Attachment Disorder, and another was trying to decide if I was a functioning sociopath or a functioning psychopath I quit going to her.  I have no idea if this judgement stuff is real or BS.  For that matter I have no idea if there is a god or not.  What got me wondering is having to take my wife to church, they are pushing her to go to the temple and are teaching her all sorts of stuff and one of them was the judgement and the 3 kingdoms.  I look at it this way if there is a god, he created me the way I am so I guess I am one of his disposables.  I lived for 69 years on my own with no help from anyone, in the heavens or on earth.  Any way since I am at the age where I may be dead tomorrow I am looking at all the angles.  To me the best so far is Reincarnation since you get to keep trying until you get it right.  Much more just than only having one chance and getting screwed and end up on some prison planet for ever with no chance to continue on.

There are far more factors in where you go than just that in this life.  Pre-existence, in my thoughts plays a great deal.  There, you had choices and my belief is that we each chose where we would go and the conditions we would be in during this life.  The Lord can take all these things into effect and has a far broader view than simply what we see in this mortality.

Reincarnation's ideas do not particularly appeal to me.  Our Telestial Kingdom is greater in glory and experience than the nothingness or oneness of the unity of the universe most Reincarnation ideas present as the final goal.

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Guest Gomezaddams51
On 7/5/2020 at 8:08 AM, laronius said:

As for your question about shacking up, whoever said your resurrected body will even maintain that ability? What makes you think the Lord has any intention of letting such a sacred act be polluted by those who have proven in this life that they can't be trusted with such a gift?

So in other words god will castrate all the prisoners so no hanky panky...

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11 hours ago, Gomezaddams51 said:

So in other words god will castrate all the prisoners so no hanky panky...

I don't think he's actually going to castrate anyone.  That's an act of removing a part of the body.  He's not removing anything from a resurrected body.  It's simply that the resurrected body won't have the ability to do certain acts in the first place.  It simply won't be possible.  No need for castration, there's no reason for it. 

Furthermore, certain natural instincts that you may have on this earth, will not be a factor in regards to what you desire in the next.  It would be like assuming a Baby has the desires towards others in intimacy that adults do.  As far as I know (not a doctor) babies have no desire in that fashion.  They don't do things like that because they simply don't have any desires in that fashion.  The natural tendencies and desires of the mortal human body will no longer exists in that fashion.  Instead the spiritual self will be in full control, without the influences of the natural mortal world/man.

Thus...no hanky panky...as you phrase it.

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Here is a clue. There is an infinite eternity of advancement and knowledge once you are in the Celestial Kingdom. That is where the real adventure begins.

Doctrine and Covenants 130:10–11

10 Then the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives one, whereby things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms will be made known;

11 And a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. The new name is the key word.

Edited by Emmanuel Goldstein
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/2/2020 at 11:57 PM, Gomezaddams51 said:

I have a question about what happens after the resurrection and judgement.  What got me thinking about it was I figure I am never going to make it to the celestial Kingdom, the way life has been going (5% good stuff and 95% bad stuff) I figure I will be lucky to make it to the terrestrial kingdom and more likely to make it to the telestial one.  Anyway I have been wondering, once you are sentenced to the two lower prison kingdoms, what do you do all day?

Why do you consider them as prison kingdoms?

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2 hours ago, romans8 said:

Why do you consider them as prison kingdoms?

Because they don’t include sex, natch.

Humankind exists, that they may be perpetually in rut.  And if that’s not in the Bible somewhere, it really should be.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am not LDS but however after reading much of this thread I would like to present a parallel of the 3 kingdoms with modern phraseology. .

This may produce a need for definition and clarification but still I will proceed.

From what I currently have drawn from the LDS sources the

1st. most desired kingdom is the Celestial kingdom

2nd. the Terrestrial kingdom 

3rd. the Telestial kingdom

In modern phraseology the intake in heaven of all resurrected  are divided into 3 classifications of new arrivals (not kingdoms) for God's kingdom is one and the same.

The method whereby one time mortals becomes citizens of heaven is by the term known as fusion and there are 3 kinds.

1,Father fused(fusion),2,Son fused(fusion),3.Spirit fused(fusion)

Father (Celestial ) fused (kingdom ) The Father fused belongs to a  special Paradise group.is destined for Paradise redency.Attains  unlimited service throughout universes.Traverses Paradise with the presence of God.

Son  (Terrestrial )  fused (kingdom) Resulting from sycronization fusion difficulty of father fusion one is then Son fused  and catagorized as Son fused who primarily super universe  residential destiny service.

Spirit(Telestial)  fused (kingdom) Sycronization difficulties from Father fusion and Son fusion.Primarily local universe destiny service.The spirit fused citizen does not retain any of their memory of their previous mortal life as the Father and Son fused do .They have to consult records and others who may have been present in their life.

No person will know what category (kingdom) they will be placed in until arrival in heaven.

Kingdoms are catagories where one will primarily do service in the universes.

No religious authority on Earth is capable to classify which destiny awaits us .They do not have that authority.


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On 8/19/2020 at 5:46 PM, Earl said:

I am not LDS but however after reading much of this thread I would like to present a parallel of the 3 kingdoms with modern phraseology. .

This may produce a need for definition and clarification but still I will proceed.

From what I currently have drawn from the LDS sources the

1st. most desired kingdom is the Celestial kingdom

2nd. the Terrestrial kingdom 

3rd. the Telestial kingdom

In modern phraseology the intake in heaven of all resurrected  are divided into 3 classifications of new arrivals (not kingdoms) for God's kingdom is one and the same.

The method whereby one time mortals becomes citizens of heaven is by the term known as fusion and there are 3 kinds.

1,Father fused(fusion),2,Son fused(fusion),3.Spirit fused(fusion)

Father (Celestial ) fused (kingdom ) The Father fused belongs to a  special Paradise group.is destined for Paradise redency.Attains  unlimited service throughout universes.Traverses Paradise with the presence of God.

Son  (Terrestrial )  fused (kingdom) Resulting from sycronization fusion difficulty of father fusion one is then Son fused  and catagorized as Son fused who primarily super universe  residential destiny service.

Spirit(Telestial)  fused (kingdom) Sycronization difficulties from Father fusion and Son fusion.Primarily local universe destiny service.The spirit fused citizen does not retain any of their memory of their previous mortal life as the Father and Son fused do .They have to consult records and others who may have been present in their life.

No person will know what category (kingdom) they will be placed in until arrival in heaven.

Kingdoms are catagories where one will primarily do service in the universes.

No religious authority on Earth is capable to classify which destiny awaits us .They do not have that authority.


It's probably best to stick with the phraseology and definitions as revealed by God. Much less confusion and chance for error. If you would like to discuss this doctrine as revealed by God through his chosen prophets I would be happy to oblige. 

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