I Am Clean

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President Hinckley spoke last conference of a dream President Joseph F Smith had about being clean. It's an excellent talk and I wanted to start a discussion.

Of all the possible topics that President Hinckley could have spoken on, why do you think he chose this? Has the talk changed your life at all? Are you thinking differently? Have you seen any blessings from living clean lives?

Let's get a discussion going. What are your thoughts when you read it?

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President Hinckley spoke last conference of a dream President Joseph F Smith had about being clean. It's an excellent talk and I wanted to start a discussion.

Of all the possible topics that President Hinckley could have spoken on, why do you think he chose this? Has the talk changed your life at all? Are you thinking differently? Have you seen any blessings from living clean lives?

Let's get a discussion going. What are your thoughts when you read it?

I heard that talk. And what do you mean by Have you seen any blessings from living clean?

O.m.gosh! Why of course, what kinda question is that?

And i just took from it what it was, it helped to remind me of the importance of living clean,

Just as you have once again by putting up this post. {thank you}


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Dose the cleansing at the Temple help with that?

Your Baptism does!!! And the sacrament each week!! The Temple is a place to make further commitments to the Lord...sticking to those commitments keeps you clean. We are ALL washed in the blood, even when we mess up...Jesus wants us to repent and keep going, that is the key...just set your face toward the mark and don't look back...even if you stumble, just pick yourself up and keep going!!!
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Your Baptism does!!! And the sacrament each week!! The Temple is a place to make further commitments to the Lord...sticking to those commitments keeps you clean. We are ALL washed in the blood, even when we mess up...Jesus wants us to repent and keep going, that is the key...just set your face toward the mark and don't look back...even if you stumble, just pick yourself up and keep going!!!

Do you get baptised each week?
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