College Sports


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There currently are two very big things going on with college sports.  One - we may not have any fall sports and Two - there are a number of college football players that are demanding to be paid for playing.  I guess that a college education is no longer worth it?

College sports as we know them may become a thing of the past.  Few colleges could continue sports as currently defined.  (My opinion)

Anyone have opinions of what will become of Title IV?  Or of the many other sports that are financed by football and basketball?

Does anyone care?


The Traveler

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In the current climate with Covid-19...I think it should be cancelled for the time being until a more concrete plan in the US is figured out on how to deal with it.

In regards to paying college players, I'm against it.  That defeats the purpose of college sports.

I think part of this is due to the abuse some colleges and universities have done regarding the college football or basketball teams.  They are paying them for all intents and purposes, but under the table in ways that they try to claim is not actually paying them (or, in a few more corrupt cases, have been flat out paying them).  Advertisers want to use their likenesses, and in many ways College football (and basketball) have become big businesses in their own right rather than collegial competition between peers.

Instead of moving more towards a greater commercialism of college sports, I think the reverse needs to occur.  They need to draw back on their programs and return to their roots where it was more friendly competition between different colleges and universities (well, as friendly as it could be...just like High School...there will still be rivalries and such).  A return to a more amateur approach...with the main focus once again on education and the sports as a side note.

The problem Universities are having is that there is a great deal of profit from some sports programs these days.  It is hard to turn down millions of dollars.  College sports attract large donors, payouts from bowls and tickets, and commercial and TV rights in some places.  It can be a massive amount of income.  It may even be the biggest money maker for the University.  They have been corrupted by money in this, and convincing them that education should be their focus rather than money...would probably be extremely difficult.

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