Political Gas Lighting


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Before I begin - I am not a fan of Trump and I do not consider myself a Republican or Democrat.   I do not like the labels of conservative or liberal.  But in all honesty when we speak of political parties there is one party that is considered conservative and the other that is considered liberal.  I will leave it up to the reader as to which party and its members is which.  Also I have no intent to tell anyone which candidate they should support in the upcoming election.  This post is intended to highlight what I consider to be one of the greatest evils in politics.  It is what I call "Political Gas Lighting".

The term gas lighting comes from a movie by that name.  Gas lighting is an evil psychopathic behavior where someone puts them self forward with a charming persona and then blames all their evil behaviors on someone else.  In other words they claim that they have to do evil things because someone else leaves them with no other choice.

Currently there is a lot of evil behavior going on that everybody in both political parties says is bad.  We all seem to agree that destruction of property, bullying others into submission to your political ideas with intimidation or force (especially excessive force) - is evil and contrary to civil society.  And yet we are seeing these tactics being used to generate fear in any opposition.  Dare I say much like the evil Nazis that brought about our last World War?   Both of our major political parties are claiming that the other is at fault and the cause of the violence and mayhem.  The evil Nazis blamed those that they abused as the cause of their abuse.  I am not posting this to tell you which party is at fault - I am posting this so that you can figure it out for your self and determine for your self which party is guilty of gas lighting and therefore is the more evil than the other.

The one question you need to ask yourself is - to which party do those involved in the destruction of property, mayhem, bullying of others and commuting crimes most closely align themselves?  Which political and media pundits do these individuals listen to and most likely find agreement?   If you can answer that question then you know which party is responsible.  If you cannot answer that question - I would suggest that before you make any other political decisions or alignments, in this country (the USA) (including what media outlets your should trust) - that you figure this out first.  If you find it impossible for you to determine - then stay out of all things political (including media coverage) and including voting in the next election.

One last thing - do not gas light me if you decide not to vote.  Whatever you determine - own it!!!


The Traveler

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On 8/31/2020 at 11:16 AM, Traveler said:

Before I begin - I am not a fan of Trump and I do not consider myself a Republican or Democrat.   I do not like the labels of conservative or liberal.  But in all honesty when we speak of political parties there is one party that is considered conservative and the other that is considered liberal.  I will leave it up to the reader as to which party and its members is which.  Also I have no intent to tell anyone which candidate they should support in the upcoming election.  This post is intended to highlight what I consider to be one of the greatest evils in politics.  It is what I call "Political Gas Lighting".

Would that be the Libertarian and the Green Parties??


On 8/31/2020 at 11:16 AM, Traveler said:

The one question you need to ask yourself is - to which party do those involved in the destruction of property, mayhem, bullying of others and commuting crimes most closely align themselves?  Which political and media pundits do these individuals listen to and most likely find agreement?   If you can answer that question then you know which party is responsible.  If you cannot answer that question - I would suggest that before you make any other political decisions or alignments, in this country (the USA) (including what media outlets your should trust) - that you figure this out first.  If you find it impossible for you to determine - then stay out of all things political (including media coverage) and including voting in the next election.

One last thing - do not gas light me if you decide not to vote.  Whatever you determine - own it!!!


The Traveler

Well, I think I've heard the BLM organization is run by blatant, outright, and proudly proclaimed communists...so at least one party probably would be the Communist Party of America I imagine.


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From Wikipedia:


Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes, including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances can range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents occurred, to belittling the victim's emotions and feelings, to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

There is a major political party in the United States and many mainstream media outlets that would seek to manipulate citizens into believing that they are racist simply by virtue of having a certain skin color. It's pounded in at every chance that they are privileged and racist even without knowing it. Dialogue is discouraged as rather than discussing what actions (that they can control and change) are racist, they simply need to bow down and accept it is so. 

There is a political ideology that is aligned with rewriting history to make the founding of your nation, which has been a beacon to the world about the greatest freedoms ever, is based in classism and racism. Yet a basic understanding of history should disprove such nonsense. The USA was based on the very ideals of freedom and equality. The very people and documents that have done more to promote freedom and equality in this world than any other are being rebranded as intentionally oppressive and abusive. The school system has been hijacked to fill the heads of the educated (lead to believe they are smarter on account of expensive indoctrination) with this nonsense leaving those who have learned actual history to be labelled as the uneducated... All the while denying these very "racists and bigots" stood up for the American dream and pushed for the very causes of equality and liberty they are painted as opposing. 

I could go on, but I'm sure everyone already has their opinions made, perhaps even putting truth over facts (is that a gaslight in it's own right? If one is actually a Caucasian male peasant, but their "truth" is that they're an Asian Princess... do biological, genetic, and fiscal facts actually matter? Did they gaslight themselves, or was it the people who let them buy into the delusional alternate "reality" by not fact checking them?) That brings up a whole other can of worms - what's with these partisan fact checkers who don't check facts at all but express opinions as fact? Are both sides guilty? Sure, but no doubt one is more so as @Traveler has suggested. 


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