Stopping Gun Violence


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Here is a novel idea - "Lets lock up all the guns".  Perhaps the idea is not so new just this particular expression of it.  If we lock up or punish humans that participate in gun violence then we are racists.


The Traveler

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The tyrants want us to lock up all of our firearms so we cannot use them.  No right to keep and bear arms, only to keep certain firearms they consider approved that likely have a six round capacity or less, disassembled with the parts in different safes and unloaded like how they do it in Australia.  You can own firearms but you cannot use them except maybe to occasionally target shoot.

What shall we do about people who attack others with automobiles, hammers and knives or a thousand other types of weapons?  That is not on the agenda yet.

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On 7/14/2021 at 6:44 AM, mirkwood said:

It is a people problem not a gun problem.   smh.

You do realize that if you hold to such an opinion that the current political climate will label you as a racist?  But I will not!

I was reading an article about most dangerous species to humans.   The #1 most dangerous predator species, by far, that threatens the human species is the human species itself.  According to @NeedleinAit appears that the most likely human to end someone's life is that someone themselves?


The Traveler

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