Open Toed Sandals


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It is summer in Utah, which bring about a seasonal change in how people dress.  I think that open toed sandals became a thing for men in the 50’s and 60’s when Huarache sandals were made for surfers from old tires.  Perhaps not, because I have never been keen on faction or style.  I have three pare of open toed sandals myself.  One for hiking (fording through streams and rivers) and white-water rafting.  On for working outside in summer and one pare for comfort.

My savvy wife will not allow me to wear socks with open toed sandals – especially the longer socks that come halfway up the calf.  Guys (especially older guys) will often wear socks with open towed sandals.  She tells me the only reason they do such a thing is because they do not respect their wives and ladies in general. 

Growing up, I was never allowed to wear open toed sandals to church.  I was taught that anything but one’s “Sunday best” should never be worn in the church chapel.  That changed slightly when I was in high school on a scuba trip to Mexico.  I forgot my Sunday shoes and was embarrassed to wear flip flops (we called them something else way back then but using that old term now causes the younger generations a coronary) until I got to church and most of the locals were bare foot.

One thing about open towed sandals that grosses me out are unkept and/or infected toenails.  I guess it is a prejudice of mine, but I relate such to poor hygiene and I surmise that they either cannot or will not take care of themselves.  I wonder about Jesus washing the feet of his apostles – in those days feet were likely the worse for wear than today.  I do not think I would have so much of a problem with dirty feet as I would washing sickly infected feet with unkept toenails.  I have talked to a number of nurses that dislike cutting infected toenails on patients.   

Anyone else have a problem with footwear and care of toenails?


The Traveler

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26 minutes ago, Traveler said:

Anyone else have a problem with footwear

The other day, Klaw got one of his claws stuck deep inside my slip-on sneakers (for some reason, he loves to play with these).  He couldn't get it out (was hooked awkwardly).  He was clomping around like a toddler in Dad's shoes (except he was up to his armpit in my shoe).  I laughed the whole time I was extricating his claw from the shoe.  It wasn't easy.  One could say we both had a problem with footwear. :D

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4 hours ago, zil2 said:

The other day, Klaw got one of his claws stuck deep inside my slip-on sneakers (for some reason, he loves to play with these).  He couldn't get it out (was hooked awkwardly).  He was clomping around like a toddler in Dad's shoes (except he was up to his armpit in my shoe).  I laughed the whole time I was extricating his claw from the shoe.  It wasn't easy.  One could say we both had a problem with footwear. :D

He?   Your sneakers?  You may have problems with things other than just the footwear.  🤐


The Traveler

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We have a large Samoan population in my congregation, so it's perfectly normal for men and women alike to wear open-toed sandals provided that they wear socks as well. 

I myself wore sandals one Sunday right after I had a minor procedure on one foot, and have begun wearing athletic shoes with Velcro due to some medical issues that leave me needing a little extra support. 

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56 minutes ago, Traveler said:


Klaw is my male kitten.  So yes, "he".

57 minutes ago, Traveler said:

Your sneakers?

Yes. They're slip-on.  I leave them lying around for when I need to slip into some shoes quickly (e.g. to go outside, to the garage, etc.).  I'm usually barefoot in summer indoors (sometimes outdoors, too, but not usually).

58 minutes ago, Traveler said:

You may have problems with things other than just the footwear.  🤐

:unsure: Nope.  Me, kitty, and shoes he likes to play with.  Life is perfect. :D

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2 hours ago, Ironhold said:

We have a large Samoan population in my congregation, so it's perfectly normal for men and women alike to wear open-toed sandals provided that they wear socks as well.

Apparently, Samoa is somewhere in Seattle.

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