Ezra's Eagle


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58 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

And the rumors just began that Biden is either dead or incapacitated.

We never heard a peep out of him during the recent CR debate.  Trump is calling the shots, and nothing from Biden.  So, it may be that some people are signing papers for him.

Explaining Biden's shortened term of power was never going to be a problem.  His obvious incapacity did that a long time ago.  The big question now is whether Trump ever takes power.

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2 hours ago, zil2 said:

Explaining Biden's shortened term of power was never going to be a problem.  His obvious incapacity did that a long time ago.  The big question now is whether Trump ever takes power.

It seem rather obvious that neither Biden nor Harris were ever in charge of anything.  Even in the 2020 presidential campaign there was no effort to allow the public access to serious opinions of the dual (if such existed).   I do not believe Ezra’s Eagle properly symbolizes what is going on.  Kind of like the ugly stepsister with a toe in the glass slipper that openly declares it is a perfect fit.

As for Trump???  It seems to me that there is an element deeply entrenched in our government that resembles something similar to Kishkumen, Gadianton and their behind-the-scenes organization.   I would suggest that the Book of Mormon (Helaman & 3Nephi) and the Holy Spirit are the best sources of things leading up to a coming of Christ – especially as thing apply to what is going on in our government.


The Traveler

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36 minutes ago, Traveler said:

t seems to me that there is an element deeply entrenched in our government that resembles something similar to Kishkumen, Gadianton and their behind-the-scenes organization.   I would suggest that the Book of Mormon (Helaman & 3Nephi) and the Holy Spirit are the best sources of things leading up to a coming of Christ – especially as thing apply to what is going on in our government.

I completely agree and they're not just entrenched in our government, they are all over the world.  Whether there are competing bands or just one, I don't know, but there's no doubt they're there and I expect they'll stay until Christ Himself destroys them.

As for whether brother Rush's interpretation of the Ezra's eagle prophecy is accurate or not, at this point it's just an exercise in observation.  Whether it's correct or not, I don't see how knowing that will alter anything.

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27 minutes ago, zil2 said:

I completely agree and they're not just entrenched in our government, they are all over the world.  Whether there are competing bands or just one, I don't know, but there's no doubt they're there and I expect they'll stay until Christ Himself destroys them.

As for whether brother Rush's interpretation of the Ezra's eagle prophecy is accurate or not, at this point it's just an exercise in observation.  Whether it's correct or not, I don't see how knowing that will alter anything.

Many years ago, in college I was given a book to read titled “Satan and all his works”.  The basic premise of the book is that everything that happens on this earth is the direct result of either Satan’s or G-d’s control.   In essence humans’ control nothing beyond their choice (at any given moment) of who’s side they are on.

I was so influenced and overcome by this book and the description of Satan’s influence that I was unable to finish the book.  Basically, the concept was that just about everything that takes place is in essence under Satan’s control (with very few exceptions – none of which are well chronicled in the historical narrative).  I have never encountered that book again, but it has had a profound on my perception of this world and the scripture notion that Satan is the g-d of this world.

I am of the opinion that G-d’s works are woven into the historical tapestry in such a manner that only through the “Spirit” can we even perceive G-d’s purposes – that is, until the Massiah returns.


The Traveler

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5 hours ago, Carborendum said:

And the rumors just began that Biden is either dead or incapacitated.

We never heard a peep out of him during the recent CR debate.  Trump is calling the shots, and nothing from Biden.  So, it may be that some people are signing papers for him.

Oh I'm sure the cabinet and power players in the Dem party are running the show and probably have been for quite some time.

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The Gadianton's are alive and thriving throughout the world.  I believe they are competing bands with common goals and even know each other.  When THE anti-christ appears he will unite them under his rule.  All one has to do is read those sections of the BoM and read the talks on the same topics by prophets and apostles.  It is plain to see if you look.

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On 12/23/2024 at 1:18 PM, mirkwood said:

The Gadianton's are alive and thriving throughout the world.  I believe they are competing bands with common goals and even know each other.  When THE anti-christ appears he will unite them under his rule.  All one has to do is read those sections of the BoM and read the talks on the same topics by prophets and apostles.  It is plain to see if you look.

I agree.  However, we also learn from the Book of Mormon that when the Gadianton’s take power they will turn against each other (as prophesied with the fall and destruction of the Nephite empire).  We also know that the primary targets (to control, replace or destroy) of the Gadianton’s are the individuals that control governments, elected officials, bureaucrats, judges and lawyers.

If their power is threatened the Gadianton types tend to become deadly violent.  Though it seems that common sense is returning to government – I suspect that the engines of reform will not be tolerated for long.  If such engines of reform cannot be controlled the Gadianton’s are quick to determine to eliminate it at all costs.   I suspect that the next two years will be difficult (to say the least) for republicans to fulfill their agenda.  We will find out many things about hidden swamp creatures


The Traveler

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, mirkwood said:

Tomorrow is the day.  If Trump takes office the interpretation is invalid.

Not neccessarily.  From what I heard others interpret with Ezra's Eagle, there are three short feathers left after Trump's 2nd term as President.  We may have some time left in America. 

I believe we shall see a season of peace, but then it will get bad again.  The majority of people just are not repenting, and turning to the LORD.

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1 hour ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

Not neccessarily.  From what I heard others interpret with Ezra's Eagle, there are three short feathers left after Trump's 2nd term as President.  We may have some time left in America.

This is mathematically impossible if you start where Brother Rush does, with Herbert Hoover.  The feather that would be Trump and a second feather both get "eaten" by one of the heads at the same time (while they "thought also in themselves to reign" - suggesting they were hoping to, but never got there), and the heads rule.  The last two feathers rule briefly after the three heads.  So sure, three feathers after Trump, but nothing like a sequential, elected president.

The only way to both keep Brother Rush's assertions and be consistent with the text of Esdras II, chapters 11 & 12 is if you claim the Trump is not really the one in power, that he and a second person (Vance? Harris?) have been gobbled up by the three heads and the heads are ruling without us knowing about it / recognizing it; or you claim that Trump himself is one of the three heads and that Trump already ate two others (feathers) who looked to rule.  In which case, this is Trump's reign:


32 But this head held the whole earth in possession, and bare rule over those that dwell therein with much oppression; and it had governance of the world more than all the wings that had been. 33 And after this I beheld, and lo, the head also that was in the midst (Trump) suddenly appeared no more, like as the wings. 34 But there remained the two heads which also in like sort reigned over the earth, and over those that dwell therein.

So, ya know, if Trump succeeds in acquiring Greenland, and Canada. and the Panama canal, and the Gulf of America, and then the rest of the world, we'll know that two little feathers got eaten without our notice.  Otherwise....

Edited by zil2
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