Intolerance on the social left


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In fact, while I understand some of the reasons why they can't teach the young men and women about the how the people "suffered and great infliction from Washington," I think it is a tragedy the Church cannot. I cannot think of anything that would build their testimony stronger than reading the journals of these men and women, and the hardships they went through in polygamy. Yet every journal I've read, to a one, says Polygamy was commanded by God, and that they believed this to be true, and they would do as God commanded.

Oh, the Church does. The history of polygamy and the attempts by Washington to disincorporate the Church and jail the brethren with more than one wife are the subject of seminary classes for high-school students and institute classes for college students. And, the testimonies of the saints who endured is indeed an inspiration to us. The revelations on plural marriage are still in the Doctrine and Covenants and studied in the normal course of Sunday School and so forth.

I think some LDS folks just don't seem to draw any line from that over to this homosexual issue. But my feeling is that it is all a wash.

My question is this: What purpose does government serve in marriage?


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We had the school board meeting tonight and the parents and the students overwhelmingly stood against what the treachers did. I am waiting on the

decision of the board before I let them know what we as a family expect. I

am hoping that they do the right thing, or they will have to be forced to do so.

The Hutch!!!

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We had the school board meeting tonight and the parents and the students overwhelmingly stood against what the treachers did. I am waiting on the

decision of the board before I let them know what we as a family expect. I

am hoping that they do the right thing, or they will have to be forced to do so.

The Hutch!!!

Good to see that common sense reigns in some arenas. Could be that some of the media reports I've read reported more of what the reporters wanted to find as student opinion than what the true sentiment is there. :cool:

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my opinion is that the discipline the teacher receives should be greater than the equivalent a student would receive for the incident - an example should be sent to the students about the ethos of the school

Students have to be there and are expected to bust their guts for no pay they don't have the option of resigning. The teacher gets paid and is an adult her responsibility to behave should be greater - why should she have greater rights than the students she teaches, if the student would have received a detention, give her 2 sat in with the students, if they would have been suspended so should she be.


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Elgama, the answer to all your questions is quite simple:

1. Teachers are unionized government employees.

2. Public Schools are staffed by employees who are extremely pro-gay rights, in our area.

3. If the principal punishes this teacher, he will likely be portrayed as anti-gay.

4. According to the social left's playbook, conservatives are supposed to be tolerant of their opponents, but liberals do not have to be tolerant of conservatives, because, after all, we are bigots.

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Elgama, the answer to all your questions is quite simple:

1. Teachers are unionized government employees.

2. Public Schools are staffed by employees who are extremely pro-gay rights, in our area.

3. If the principal punishes this teacher, he will likely be portrayed as anti-gay.

4. According to the social left's playbook, conservatives are supposed to be tolerant of their opponents, but liberals do not have to be tolerant of conservatives, because, after all, we are bigots.

doesn't change the fact the teachers behaviour would not have been accepted in a student - I think its badly wrong when people go on about the youth of today whilst adults can behave badly with immunity. As you know I am much closer to the left than yourself but my opinion is that this would have been OK EXCEPT the school principal said a student in the same situation would have been disciplined.

the inequality faced is much greater between teacher and student than right and left in this case


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I think the natural consequences are going to be instructive:

Students booing you in class when you say something they're not happy with

Parent responses: I don't want my child in their class and even the parents who do want their children in your class may have other beliefs that you don't subscribe too

Intolerance issues.

Add to that the pressure of often long 'investigations', rumours and dealing with that under breach of confidentiality guidelines

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