President Gordon B. Hinkley has passed away


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I found out about this an hour after it happened... before the story had any comments... but I took my time coming to this forum. I'm going to miss him very much... I love him and I feel like I know him even though he doesn't know me personally. If it weren't for him and his challenge in 2005 to read the Book of Mormon before the year's end, I wouldn't have a testimony of its truthfulness, and I probably wouldn't be an active member right now. I definitely wouldn't be thinking about going on a mission... and today I got my mission papers from my bishop. It's kind of like it came full-circle for me. On the other hand, I'm happy for him! He's been reunited with his wife and all those he missed.... and he's lived such a fantastic life.

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I had only been an investigator for a few weeks when I went to General Conference of April '06. It was at that conference that I saw Pres. Hinkley for the first time, and it was that day that I decided I wanted to be a member of the Church. I know it sounds daft but I kinda had a conversation with him in my head, I told him the next time conference came around, I would be there as a member. I am so glad I kept that promise, and I will always have a special place for Pres. Hinkley in my heart as being part of my conversion.

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I thought it was interesting that the Church placed this statement on their website:

"The new president chooses two counselors from among the Quorum of the Twelve and the three of them become the new First Presidency."

Of course this is NOT always the case.

RE: J. Rueben Clark and John Winder. Neither of these brethren were apostles when first called to the First Presidency.

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President Hinckley was very successful during mortality. He was a powerful example of integrity and of what a follower of Christ should be. I am thankful to Heavenly Father that He calls another prophet when one passes out of this life.

I am happy that President Hinckley does not have to be without his beloved wife anymore. He made great contributions to the work of the Lord.

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I thought it was interesting that the Church placed this statement on their website:

"The new president chooses two counselors from among the Quorum of the Twelve and the three of them become the new First Presidency."

Of course this is NOT always the case.

RE: J. Rueben Clark and John Winder. Neither of these brethren were apostles when first called to the First Presidency.

As I recall, in the case of president Clark, he was the 3rd councelor, so he was called into the FP after the case of it's being initially formed. OTOH, you may have a good case with President Winder, but I frankly haven't heard about him 'til today. Thanks for the trivia.


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I feel a personal sadness. He was a lovely man and I will miss his presence here in life. I've had the privilege of meeting him on more than one occasion. The first time was at the Susquecentennial celebrations here in what was then the Preston Stake. My late husband and I were taking lots of photographs in Avenham Park, where the first Baptisms in this country took place, for a sister in our Ward who was terminally ill and unable to be there. President Hinckley, then a councellor on the First Presidency came to chat with us about the photographs and asked where we were from. When we told him "Accrington" he replied "Eeeh bah gum lass. Ah remember Accrington. Ah were thur on mi mission!" in a broad Lancashire accent.:D

He then rounded up Sister Hinckley and suggested we all go down to the river bank and we could take photos of the two of them down there. He went striding off at a march with Sister Hinckley trotting on behind telling him to slow down because she only had little legs!

We got some lovely photos and then walking back he stopped to talk to some youngsters and encouraged them to plan to serve a mission, saying it was the best years of his life.

Another lovely memory was when he came to dedicate the Preston England Temple near Chorley. It had been arranged that he would cement in the corner stone. We all trouped outside the building to the corner where this uncemented stone lay in place and someone passed him the cement and a trowel. He began to put cement around the stone, and drop even more on the ground. He was laughing at what a mess he was making of it and said that he suspected that as soon as he left a 'real builder' would come along and take out all his mess and do it again properly.

Then he passed the trowel and cement around other leaders and said "stick some muck in that hole!" and if he was expected to work he didn't see why they shouldn't!

Of course I'm happy for him that he is now reunited with his beloved Marjorie again. He so obviously missed her these last few years but we will miss him so much too.

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I saw President Hinckley in his casket last night. He looks pretty good.

Spoke to his son, Elder Hinckley & some of his family. They are taking it well. I'll be at the funeral tomorrow, and even managed to get a ticket for my wife. Woohoo! She's happy.


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