Trump just won the election


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5 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

We agree totally there. It’s certainly not illegal but it makes me very uncomfortable. 

It’s also a bit weird. 99% of churches out there will be thrilled just to give you a bible.  

Think about what the Church used to sell! Pardons and plenary indulgences! That was how St. Peter's Basilica was paid for! (Though Luther didn't approve.)

I read somewhere that if you "steal" a Gideons Bible from a hotel room, the Gideons Society don't mind at all. They just replace it for free and thank God that someone new has a Bible!

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22 minutes ago, laronius said:

It's exactly these kind of people who make it out of the primaries (generally speaking) and then who consequently get elected. So while I don't think the run of the mill members of the other party are evil, I do feel that way about many who do get elected. Not all of them of course, but it seems the ones with greatest influence tend to be rather diabolical. 

Understand. The bases control the parties for the most part. 

I have not reached that phase in life where I think everyone who gets elected and disagrees with me is demonic or evil. Even politicians I personally can’t stand (AOC, Lauren Boebert) I view as misguided, not evil.     

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11 minutes ago, Vort said:

The man simply cannot help himself. I have maintained for years that, barring exceptional revelations, I will certainly vote for Trump over whoever the Democrats can dredge up, and especially over Biden/Harris. But if Trump maintains this "called-of-God" attitude, I will not vote for him. I will vote for Kennedy. Not that my vote makes a particle of difference, but enough is enough. Selling Bibles for profit is distasteful enough. This Jesus Complex thing is several steps too far.

Trump, reacting to images of him raising his fist and being surrounded by Secret Service agents in the seconds following the shooting, said, "A lot of people say it’s the most iconic photo they’ve ever seen." 

"They’re right and I didn’t die. Usually you have to die to have an iconic picture," he added. "I just wanted to keep speaking, but I just got shot." 

Trump's true believers have been treating him as a divine leader practically since the start of his foray into politics. It was only a matter of time before he fully embraced the role. There truly is a cult-like element to it. THAT is what scares the left far more than his politics, mean tweets, or unhinged rally speeches. We already saw his followers worked into a violent frenzy once. Can our nation survive another 1/6? I'd argue no, because if there's ever another event like 1/6, the body count is probably going to be much higher.

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1 minute ago, Phoenix_person said:

Can our nation survive another 1/6? I'd argue no, because if there's ever another event like 1/6, the body count is probably going to be much higher.

Our nation survived a civil war, two world wars, a great depression, 9/11, Covid, the song “Mmm mmm mmm mmm” and Jan 6th. We’ll be fine with Jan 6 2.0, but I pray it never happens. 

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I do think you are right that his hardcore followers view him as a holy being. Because a thrice married man who cheated on all of them and has the temper of a angry toddler is the first person I think of when I think of “holy”. 

I don’t see many LDS doing it because they have this thing called “morality”. 

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1 minute ago, LDSGator said:

Our nation survived a civil war, two world wars, a great depression, 9/11, Covid, the song “Mmm mmm mmm mmm” and Jan 6th. We’ll be fine with Jan 6 2.0, but I pray it never happens. 

The last civil war was fought with muskets and cannons, and it was still incredibly bloody. A shooting civil war with semi-auto weapons and improvised explosives would be catastrophic. If Trump wins, I may have to confirm my gun ownership eligibility and work on establishing some safeguards if I'm not barred. Just in case.

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6 minutes ago, Phoenix_person said:

bloody. A shooting civil war with semi-auto weapons and improvised explosives would be catastrophic

Agree there, but I still don’t see it happening. Could it happen? Sure, but the odds are much smaller than we think. War requires sacrifice and will affect everyone.  50% of people in America don’t even vote-but they work and eat. The moment we walk the line to a civil war these people absolutely will vote and have their voices heard.

There are many, many other reasons why I’m highly skeptical it’ll happen. Two countries with McDonalds seldom go to war because people would rather be free than kill one another.  

Most Americans don’t have the bloodlust required to kill their brothers in 2024. And that’s called progress. 

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3 minutes ago, Vort said:

Ha. The McDonald's Principle. I love it.

It’s a real thing. I freely admit the McDonalds Principle argument is an oversimplification. I highly doubt anyone here wants to hear a long, useless rant by @LDSGator on why capitalism is inherently peaceful though. 


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2 hours ago, Phoenix_person said:

We already saw his followers worked into a violent frenzy once. Can our nation survive another 1/6? I'd argue no, because if there's ever another event like 1/6, the body count is probably going to be much higher.

SMH - It would be great if you'd get up to speed on the facts. If not this month, then definitely before November.

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4 hours ago, Phoenix_person said:

Trump's true believers have been treating him as a divine leader practically since the start of his foray into politics.

Now that's just not true at all.   The crazy zealot Trump cult is full of people who believe he's chosen by God, but nobody believes he's actually God.  

Maybe a fine point for an atheist, but it's a big point for a Christian.  

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@Phoenix_personI had this sort of discussion with some of my relatives right after January 6 (big Trump supporters). At first, they all agreed that what took place was horrific, a threat to democracy, tears were shed for the dead, etc. Three years later...they refuse to admit that the Capitol was attacked and they came up with their own theories and rationalizations. It is absolutely nuts to me because you just need to look at the videos to know it was indeed an attack.  It seems like the golden calf took human form and honesty, it is creepy.

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5 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Now that's just not true at all.   The crazy zealot Trump cult is full of people who believe he's chosen by God, but nobody believes he's actually God.  

Maybe a fine point for an atheist, but it's a big point for a Christian. 


That is, indeed, what I meant. I apologize for the poor phrasing.

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3 minutes ago, Suzie said:

@Phoenix_personI had this sort of discussion with some of my relatives right after January 6 (big Trump supporters). At first, they all agreed that what took place was horrific, a threat to democracy, tears were shed for the dead, etc. Three years later...they refuse to admit that the Capitol was attacked and they came up with their own theories and rationalizations. It is absolutely nuts to me because you just need to look at the videos to know it was indeed an attack.  It seems like the golden calf took human form and honesty, it is creepy.

Apparently, Ashli Babbit was simultaneously an FBI plant, an antifa operative, and a true American patriot. 

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Well, just to be clear, we're talking about a tiny-but-loud insignificant percentage of Trump's overall support. 

And just because we're talking about them, doesn't mean we're ignorant of the larger-but-loud and less-insignificant percentage of the left-leaning folks.

I'm not gonna put up a similar montage, mainly because you have to search a lot harder for those sorts of images that don't include indecency, profanity, or violence.


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Andrews McMeel Publishing (formerly Universal Press Syndicate) has announced that as of the 17th, they will temporarily cease allowing comments sections on the political cartoons they host at their Go Comics website. As they explained in a statement, they feel that the comments sections are getting far too heated, and the way the website's comments section is set up makes things difficult for them to moderate matters in a timely fashion. They intend to conduct an upgrade to the site by the end of the year that will make moderation easier, and expect to allow comments again some time in 2025. 

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Anyone else feel the wave coming?

The Supreme Court is conservative.

Trump is likely going to win the presidential election and this will be his final term (nothing holding him back).  I can't wait for the Vice Presidential debates...

Republicans own the house.

With Trump's coat-tails, the Senate may turn Red as well.  

Gonna be a wild ride.

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49 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Well, just to be clear, we're talking about a tiny-but-loud insignificant percentage of Trump's overall support. 

And just because we're talking about them, doesn't mean we're ignorant of the larger-but-loud and less-insignificant percentage of the left-leaning folks.

I'm not gonna put up a similar montage, mainly because you have to search a lot harder for those sorts of images that don't include indecency, profanity, or violence.


Oh, I've seen plenty of 🦇💩 from my side, especially in the last 48 hours. The difference is, *our* guano-brained imbeciles don't have an actual horse in this particular race, because leftists knew all along that Biden would never beat Trump twice.

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1 hour ago, mikbone said:

The Supreme Court is conservative.

No. The Supreme Court is textualist and more or less originalist, with the notable exceptions of Sotomayor and Jackson. A probable majority appear to have conservative social and/or political views, but their judgments that have engendered such plaintive breast-beating among those of the Left have been almost completely well-reasoned arguments about what the law actually says.

Even Roe v. Wade falls into this category. If you remember (assuming you're old enough to remember events in 1973, when I was ten, or have read the discussions that went on at that time), Roe v Wade was considered a terrible decision at the time, even from many of the more honest left-leaning lawyers who otherwise supported abortion "rights". By the time the court was reasonably sane again, the justices were too afraid to break with stare decisis on that particular decision. Took almost 50 years for justices honest and courageous enough to come along and return the decision on abortion provision to the states, where no reasonable and knowledgeable person can deny it belongs.

In short, the supposed "conservative" bent of the Supreme Court is not relevant, though the media certainly wants to claim it's the only relevant point. They are just sore that their kings have been put down, at least for the moment.

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