A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle


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I just started it. I am taking the class. It is a cool concept. I think the ego is just another word for the Natural Man. I think he has some wonderful points. Don't think he takes into account the influence of the adversary or the influence of the Spirit upon our thoughts and reactions and emotions, etc. And I really want to know if they will address the idea of Love. I do like a lot of it. But in the end, I doubt if I can embrace the whole concept. He is another person who is trying to explain and deal with his own suffering. I think he is seeing some truth that is worthy of discussion.

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I have read most of the book. He does have a knack for describing the human experience (natural man.) I find myself relating what he says to talks I've heard, Ensign articles read, scriptures, etc. So, I guess I am adding a lot between the lines.

He doesn't directly address the adversary - I guess I have lumped Lucifer in with the "ego"

I am taking the class too - though I admit I have not done the work book exercises.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have gotten to chapter 7 in Tolles book - does it remind you of King Benjamins advice to his people?

Example: Mosiah 3:19

19 For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with both of you. I read alot in between the lines of what he has written and more importantly I am becoming a more spiritual person because of it. It is praisworthy and it is helping me to be better. That is the underlying goodness that I feel when I participate in Oprah's online course. It is easy for me to weedthrough the things that don't jive with my core beliefs.:confused: There are MANY things that do fit in nicely with our teachings.:D I believe more important than the conflicts and simularities is it's effect on us and our relationship with our Savior. Mine has improved. My relationship with my children has improved. :) My relationship with my husband has improved :)and I truly trying to live in the present more. I think I lived with the pain of divorce and the hope for a day when everyone in my home is potty trained (past and future) so much that I was missing the beauty of here and now. As you put it... there are many things that Eckart says that rings true with conference talks.

Why is it then I can listen to conference and try to do better... but it took Eckart Tolle's book and Oprah's book club class to get me to put these concepts into practice? I am more at peace than I have been in years. I am feeling closer to Father in Heaven and I feel that I am living closer to the spirit. FOR ME... this book is a blessing.

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Hey thanks for the nice reply. Thanks for the link too! I have just been listening to it with audio only on my i-pod! I love their discussions and the people calling in with very important and interesting questions. I am enjoying it and I have only got through lesson 7! I can't seem to move on until I have listened to each week's lesson a few times! I want to apply it. I have found that the concepts me being my true self so clarifying. I knew I was a spirit before I came here. I understand that I am a spirit having a human experience... what is different for me now is that I can see that my inner inner "I" doesn't want to be a screaming mother. I was in a habbit, I was labeling myself and seeing myself as overwhelmed with 6 kids. Now I am listening to my inner"erds (ha ha that is a funny word.. is it even a word?? ha ha) I am staying present and really listening to my kids more. I am not flying-off-the-handle and snapping at everyone like I was doing. I knew I didn't like who I had become and now I understand why I let myself become such a "witch" and how to stop being that kind of woman. The woman behind all those labels is really a pretty nice person. I am excited to let her be the one that everyone gets to meet again. (sounds like I should change my name to Syble, Syble, Syble) ha ha ha Anyway. Thanks for reading!

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  • 1 year later...

Yes I also find the writings eye opening as a ex mormon who resigned for doctrinal reasons and things not in agreement with my personal beliefs currently. And while I have agreed to not post anything derogatory against the lds church on the site I have enjoyed Tolles clarity on organized religion and can see the effect this had on me while I was LDS and desired a change from that pathway so currently I have been operating somewhat indepedently from any organized religion. And I do understand the path some of the intraspective (self -evaluating) comments left on this thread like skinnymomma and others.:)

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