I want to strengthen my testimony...

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I have been a member of the church for 11 yrs. now and I have always been very active in attending meetings and in my callings and now that I'm married, going to the temple quite often. I feel intellectally I know the church is true and Jesus died for/loves everyone but I seem to have trouble feeling it in my heart. Is something wrong with me when so many around me seem to feel things so deeply and I don't? I don't really want the standard missionary answer of praying about moroni 10:3-5 to know because I've done that and I just don't seem to feel anything. Please help. Thankyou.

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Is it possible that you are asking for an answer to something you already know?? I've read alot of accounts where someone has asked to know the truth and haven't found an answer, until they realize that they are asking for that which is already known to them. I've been told that bearing your testimony helps to increase it, whether you bear it to the congregation or to friends or just in your journal. To repeat it, to yourself and others helps it to grow in your heart. What do you think?

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It is dangerous to equate outbursts of emotion with the Holy Ghost. This happens often in the Church. Sometimes those of us who don't stand up and blubber in Testimony Meeting can feel like there must be something wrong with us or our faith because we don't have the same emotional reaction. However, strong emotion is not necessarily a sign of spiritual communication.

Very few times in my life have I cried because of the feelings of the Holy Ghost. Most of the time, I recognize the Spirit by thoughts of truth filling my mind and heart, and I feel refreshed and enlightened. The role of the Holy Ghost is to testify of Christ, and this process works in a very rational way in me.

I suppose what I'm saying is that I've been in the same place, and I have come to recognize the many ways in which God speaks to me, even when I don't feel some great thing.

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Could it be that you're just going through all the motions with no prayer to start your day or conversations with Father in Heaven? I've done that and it's robotic at times, almost unfeeling to go throughout the day without having prayed intently, conversed with the Lord, read in my scriptures, pondered them and felt joy in all of it. In other words, how is your relationship with Father in Heaven?

On another note, I remember when I first realized I had a testimony. It was on my mission. I prayed and prayed and pondered and prayed and nothing. I couldn't figure it out. I knew everything that my parents had taught me was right and my decision to serve a mission was correct. Then why did I not receive an answer?

It wasn't later that I realized I already had a testimony and that it was confirmed to me earlier in life when I shared it with a friend about the Book of Mormon. I recalled an overwhelming confirmation in the bearing of my testimony but didn't recognize that in the sharing of my testimony, I had received my answer.

You may or may not have had a similar experience and if you have, the best way to feel or continue feeling is to serve others and look for opportunities to serve or help someone. Do kind deeds for a neighbor, an elderly member in your ward, etc. Spend time with a sister who is very lonely or needs help. I have found in my life that by focusing on others and their (sometimes desperate) needs, I "find" myself and my testimony grows. Hope this helps.

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My personal opinion about testimony is that it is a multi-layered process. I think people feel it deeply because they have tapped into those layers. I don't think emotional expressiveness is the measuring stick for how deeply one feels and understands the truth, but I think that some get confused that way. I actually get less and less emotional about my testimony the older I get and the more I grow.

I wonder if you just need to stretch your testimony. The answer to that, (whether I like it or not) is always back to the basics of prayer and scripture study..... and I emphasize scripture study even a little more than prayer because that is where i have discovered the layers and deeper learnings that have increased my testimony and not only that but my ability to feel and follow the Spirit. It is a place where I examine and measure my life. I look to those prophets and those stories to teach me what I need today and even in the most ordinary parts to my life. It seems when my study is going well, and I am feeling hungry and excited about what I am reading, everything about my worship is enhanced; my testimony, my church experience, temple, prayer, love for others, etc. etc.

I always pray. Not always formally mind you. I talk to God in my head all day. And I talk to him with my heart while I study. That seems to make a difference as well.

PS. I think every member of this church hits this place that you describe. I think it is a normal plateau that happens. Some stay there and think that because they have their initial testimony that the work is done. IMO, I think God has so much more to share with us.... so much more that he wants to do with our intellect and our feelings and our natures and our experience with His mighty influence.

Just my two cents.....

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I have never thought that the Church was not true, but I had never had a "burning in my bosom" about the "truthfulness" either.

Then I encountered a lot of problems at work. Conflicts regarding living my faith, being torn in several different directions. What a war was raged within me- I turned to Father in prayer, and I wondered if I was praying the correct way. I worried if I was going to hear and heed Father.

Then it came to a show down at a Christmas party thrown by my employers. An employee brought what I felt was a totally inappropriate gift. A box of condoms all gaily gift wrapped along with some other sexual aides. Had this party been for over 21 year olds I probably would not have been as bothered, but the guests included 8 young people aged 14 to 18.

My employers thought the gift was hilarious- I was absolutely stunned. I sat there numb, I wanted to get up and leave before the Boss's gave out the bonus's, but I also didn't want to alienate my employers. I sat there until every one went to the bar, then I went home. Didn't say goodbye, thanks or anything.

The next day I worked- I gave my grab bag gift and the bonus (it was $100.00 worth of scratch off lottery tickets)back to them and told them that I couldn't keep either. Even though I was separated from my husband and waiting for the divorce, I was not single and even if I was I would never use the condoms, they were a thoughtless and tacky gift. The scratch offs are a gambling game and not only does my faith encourage us to never gamble, my estranged husband had taught me what gambling does - 2 bankruptcy's, a divorce, loss of two homes, three cars and debtors that never stop hounding you.

I did alienate my employers - I really wasn't very smooth and tactful in how I returned the items but I was able to re-invite the Holy Spirit back into my life.

The problems escalated at work, I got an attorney to write them about the consequences of allowing sexual harassment at the work place. I did get fired, but by then I was thrilled they had fired me. I could now receive UE benefits while I looked for a better job.

I have since learned to heed the Holy Ghost's promptings. In doing so, my faith has been strengthened, thus my testimony has been strengthened. Never has it been a "burning in the bosom", always it has been comforting, a cessation of confusion and a clear understanding of what should be said/done.

I have also done a lot of looking back at my life. The things that I did, the consequences of those actions or inactions. For the hurts that I have caused, I have repented. For the hurts that I have received, I have plead with Heavenly Father to bless those that hurt me. To keep them safe and from harm. But always I ask Father to give me the knowledge and strength to learn from my past. To give me the strength to admit my wrong doings and to turn them into rights.

I believe that Joseph Smith was the Prophet. Just as I believe that all the rest were prophets, clear to our living prophet - President Monson - today. I also believe in all of the biblical prophets that we have so far been told about. I believe because I trust who is telling me, who is teaching me.

I was inactive for nearly 30 years. In those years I never stopped believing in the doctrines of the LDS Church. I never stopped believing in Father, Jesus Christ or in the Holy Ghost. I just stopped obeying some of the commandments, I stopped going to Church. I stopped living according to the Doctrines of the LDS Church.

I danced with the devil, I survived to learn the lessons that I needed to learn. In short I went through my own refiners fire, but learn I did. I will never go that way again. I will never turn away from Father, Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost again. That is my testimony.

You want to strengthen your testimony- admit your mistakes, learn from your mistakes, turn to Father for guidance. Let the Holy Ghost into your life. The only way to do that is to live righteously. Listen to the Holy Ghost and then heed what He says. If you are unsure, then pray and ask Is this the right path, then stop and listen. Listen with your heart, not your ears. Humble yourself to accept a No answer. Pray to be humbled, pray to be able to distinguish the correct answer and not what you want it to be.

For me, each prayer, each response that my heart heard and that I acted on was a step added to my testimony path.

I once told a friend that this LDS faith is not an easy faith to live. It is a 24/7 religion. We eat, breath, live, work, sleep, EVERYTHING our faith. It is not just a once a week, or holidays only faith. Yet when we live it to the fullest of our ability, we are so abundantly blessed by Father.

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May I recommend a conference talk by Elder Douglas L. Callister of the Seventy? Unfortunately, I don't know how to make a link to it, but you can search for the talk by name at lds.org.

The whole talk should be read, but I will post just an excerpt here:

"When the 23-year-old Heber J. Grant was installed as president of the Tooele Stake, he told the Saints he believed the gospel was true. President Joseph F. Smith, a counselor in the First Presidency, inquired, 'Heber, you said you believe the gospel with all your heart,...but you did not bear your testimony that you know it is true. Don't you know absolutely that this gospel is true?' Heber answered, 'I do not.' Joseph F. Smith then turned to John Taylor, the President of the Church, and said, 'I am in favor of undoing this afternoon what we did this morning. I do not think any man should preside over a stake who has not a perfect and abiding knowledge of the divinity of this work.' President Taylor replied, 'Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Heber knows it just as well as you do. The only thing that he does not know is that he does know it.' "

"It is a grand thing to know––and to know that you know and that the light has not been borrowed from another."

The rest of the talk is about how to know that you know that you know. <g> Enjoy!

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Dear butongrl:

The only thing that has deepened my feelings about the gospel of Jesus Christ has been my efforts to forge a personal relationship with Christ. You may wonder how that is possible since we don't really "pray" to Christ or "talk" with Him. We always pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.

In a book I read called "Clean Hands, Pure Heart" by Phil Harrison -- I read in the Appendix material that it actually is possible, and not just possible, but completely desirable and proper, to form a relationship with Jesus Christ, personally!!

It's called "counseling with the Lord in writing". What I do is I keep a journal. I address each entry to my Savior, Jesus Christ. I ask Him questions. I write down what I feel His response is. I study the scriptures "with Him beside me" and I talk with Him about what the scriptures mean to me, as well as what I feel from Him that He wants me to learn from them. It is a deeply satisfying experience, and after a lifetime of membership in the Church -- for the first time -- I feel close to Him.

At first this kind of activity may feel a bit strange -- talking directly to Jesus. But I testify that it is a real thing. It does take diligent effort, every day effort. Doing it once a week will not develop the "gift."

Think about what the scriptures are. Are they really not much more than the journals of righteous men and women? Recorded conversations with God?

2 Ne. 32: 3

3 Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.

That is what this "counseling with the Lord in writing" can be for you. It is the Lord's personal scripture FOR YOU.

Whenever we feel the influence of the Holy Ghost, those "feelings" -- think about it. Who is speaking to us? It is Jesus Christ speaking to us.

Give it some thought.

I hope this helps you.


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I have been a member of the church for 11 yrs. now and I have always been very active in attending meetings and in my callings and now that I'm married, going to the temple quite often. I feel intellectually I know the church is true and Jesus died for/loves everyone but I seem to have trouble feeling it in my heart. Is something wrong with me when so many around me seem to feel things so deeply and I don't? I don't really want the standard missionary answer of praying about Moroni 10:3-5 to know because I've done that and I just don't seem to feel anything. Please help. Thank you.

I see other answers here but I rather attack this issue at a different angle. You are saying if I am receiving this right, you do not want, what is consider by many, a regular testimony?

Do you feel the Holy Ghost [at times] when you speak or when someone else is giving a talk?

Do you have children?

How much time each day do you devote to the GOD or the Savior [the work, studies, prayer, meditation, and so forth]?

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I have been a member of the church for 11 yrs. now and I have always been very active in attending meetings and in my callings and now that I'm married, going to the temple quite often. I feel intellectally I know the church is true and Jesus died for/loves everyone but I seem to have trouble feeling it in my heart. Is something wrong with me when so many around me seem to feel things so deeply and I don't? I don't really want the standard missionary answer of praying about moroni 10:3-5 to know because I've done that and I just don't seem to feel anything. Please help. Thankyou.

How often do you read the scriptures? Have you read everything in the scriptures? How often are you involved in discussion about the scriptures? To be honest, a lot of Church classes can sometimes only skim the surface of the scriptures. How about Church history? The teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith? Have you read all of this? It is no small endeavor.

As Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, its words brought him questions. These questions gave way to new light and knowledge that came by revelation. This is the pattern whereby man has communion with God's spirit.

If you are not getting that communion, study the scriptures and the teachings of the latter-day prophets and you will be directed into it.


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I have been a member of the church for 11 yrs. now and I have always been very active in attending meetings and in my callings and now that I'm married, going to the temple quite often. I feel intellectally I know the church is true and Jesus died for/loves everyone but I seem to have trouble feeling it in my heart. Is something wrong with me when so many around me seem to feel things so deeply and I don't? I don't really want the standard missionary answer of praying about moroni 10:3-5 to know because I've done that and I just don't seem to feel anything. Please help. Thankyou.

I do think some expect to much of getting the same experience with the book as do some others. People are told they will have the same experience but that is not the reality of it. I do feel spiritually good when reading the book. But it is not the type of experience that puts out all doubts and questions about religion out of the way. In a sense my faith is strong the book is true. But i never have felt i know absolutely its true.

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I see other answers here but I rather attack this issue at a different angle. You are saying if I am receiving this right, you do not want, what is consider by many, a regular testimony?

Do you feel the Holy Ghost [at times] when you speak or when someone else is giving a talk?

Do you have children?

How much time each day do you devote to the GOD or the Savior [the work, studies, prayer, meditation, and so forth]?

I'm not sure what you mean by a regular testimony but I'm getting an idea. I have been told a few times when I've brought this up that I've always had it I just don't necessarily know it.

I think I have felt the Holy Ghost at times when I've read something or what seems to be the main channel for me, through music.

Yes I do have two beautiful little angels.

And for your last question. Admittedly not nearly enough. Thanks for al the advice I've received. I do appreciate it. :)

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I do think some expect to much of getting the same experience with the book as do some others. People are told they will have the same experience but that is not the reality of it. I do feel spiritually good when reading the book. But it is not the type of experience that puts out all doubts and questions about religion out of the way. In a sense my faith is strong the book is true. But i never have felt i know absolutely its true.

Yes I feel that too. I have been thinking about that lately that I have faith and I believe it's true but I don't know. I haven't gotten up in testimony meeting for a long time mostly because of that. I think I would feel funny saying "I have faith..." when everyone else is saying "I know...":mellow:

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Faith is the start. It's like Alma says about the little seed that you plant. Nourish it and it will grow. That is your testimony right now, don't be afraid to bear it however small it may be. That will help it to grow.

I remember many years ago somebody illustrating to a Relief society class with candles - not sure we'd be allowed to do that now with fire regulations about health and safety and such. She gave us all a candle and then lit her own.With it she lit someone else's candle and then asked them in turn to light others and so on. The she asked us if we noticed when the flame burned it's brightest - it was when it was lighting another flame. This is like our testimony she said. It burns brighter when we share it with others.

I too know that the Book of Mormon is true. I don't have any doubts about that or about Joseph Smith being a prophet because I know he spoke to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. My whole testimony rests on that.

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To simplify: 'I know' means to me, first hand experience in seeing or hearing. 'I have faith', I have not seen or heard but the Holy Spirit confirmed it.

There are two foundations from which an initial testimony is received: Holy Ghost confirmation by faith and firsthand knowledge. A testimony, no matter of which foundation you had received, grows as Alma described in chapter 32 [Mustard Seed]. Both are excellent testimonies. Looking back at our initial testimony should at least consist of five areas: God the Father, Jesus the Christ, Book of Mormon, The Church, and whether or not Joseph Smith was the prophet chosen by GOD. There others I may have failed to mentioned but from the initial step, these should be known to that individual. Now, whether it was received by the Holy Ghost as a confirmation or GOD/Savior told you, it always a starting point. I have noticed over time, it is the desire of the heart of which testimony foundation is received. It may follow or proceed with the soul in banishing worldly habits and conforming to God’s will. Can our testimony of the Holy Ghost grow to one of which is given to Joseph Smith over time? Yes! From my observation, we should never be satisfied as to our testimony level but strive as Alma the Younger spoken, adding daily nourishment. Tom have some insight [scripture studies forum] on how we can achieve this in mortality. Now, if there is doubt, perhaps it is time to revisit your testimony and confront Heavenly Father this quandary; make known your desire before HIM through sincerity and humility filled prayer. Though, we need again, to sit down and reevaluate our spiritual and mortal standings to if we are in conformance to HIS will. If not, make that change. Keep asking until you receive the answer. Saying once is not going to work. Not making a greater change in ones life is not going to work. When we receive that 'desire of our soul', we are never to rest until we cross the veil. Now, is it really worth your time and your life to receive 'The Pearl'?

In having children, your time is mostly occupied between womanhood, taking care of us men [Yes! We are at times lost without our beloved companions.], meeting the needs of the home, and so forth. Your time is practically use up and it really surprises me that we men, cannot at times walk in the same shoes as you. Yet, we still find fault with our companions when they do not meet our expectation. I will be the first to admit this weakness. We as men, should provide time for our companions in finding time to search the scriptures, prayers, family devotion, one-on-one parental teaching, and so on.

Little known gem here, try to find at least ten-percent of your day in devoting to GOD. It means scripture readin/meaningful study [audio is good place to start], missionary work with friends or neighbors, meaningful prayer, building the home, building the kingdom, teaching the children in the ways of the gospel, date night [building that celestial relationship], and so on. It equates to no more than 2hrs 40mins per day [rounding off]. I use this ‘gem’ earlier in my life and found that my testimony has grown and exceeded my objective goal. Then I noticed the difference of my life in not applying this small lil’ facet.

Remember, what is the desire of your soul? We should always express those desires to GOD.

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Yes I feel that too. I have been thinking about that lately that I have faith and I believe it's true but I don't know. I haven't gotten up in testimony meeting for a long time mostly because of that. I think I would feel funny saying "I have faith..." when everyone else is saying "I know...":mellow:

I do have some intellectuals reasons to trust the book. FARMS has do a good job of making a case for the antiquity of the text. But thats only a supplement for my faith. What is wrong with going against the flow and not using the "I know..." words. Subsititute instead "My faith is strong instead...".

LDS author Jeff Burton has an online book entitled for those who wonder. And some articles to help those who struggle with doubts and questions. I do not have the link. A good book i also like is entitled If I Really Believe Why Do I have These Doubts by Lynn Anderson.

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Become more closely intimate with the true doctrine of Jesus Christ. The way to do this is to study the scriptures. Pray for the Spirit to attend you as you read. Read with real intent. Pray with real intent. There is a devotional that I found highly enlightening.



The first link is to the written, the second is to the audio. "Jesus Christ and Him Crucified" This was a devotional by Elder McConkie and herein lies the plan of Salvation as clearly and crisply and boldly as any place I have ever heard it. From here you can develop a framework for studying the gospel. This was the first time that I had heard Elder McConkie speak and I was struck by how bold and how pure his words were. I knew he was a great scriptorian but his words were just pure diamond truth. I was drawn to the words. This was a man who spoke without a doubt by the Spirit. I was repulsed at times, by the boldness, as he was speaking but I just knew what he was saying was true. I couldn't reject it. This was last summer say, around August, and my testimony was considerably weak. I had very little knowledge as pertaining to the gospel. I instantly became drawn to nearly all words of Elder McConkie, because he taught the doctrine and did not mince words. So I learned to love the gospel.

The way to gaining a firm testimony is through faith and diligence in your study of the gospel. The truth will be revealed to you as you do what is required for that truth. D&C 132:5

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