'I AM', Intellgience are


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Tom, the creation story tells a tale. Yes! There is something to this whole caper of Adam and Eve, being ‘oneness’ [unique term here], validating there something on a higher order than what is the beginning that is not what we are today. The Earth will adorn her body as a ‘Urim and Thummim’ and allowing those of the CFB, to look to a higher kingdom which is above our own FATHER. Why would there be a higher order above our FATHER? Creation story is the key to that answer. Even our universe will eventually come to an end to prepare for something even greater.

If we can by chance, took a nano look into a glorified beings centralize neuron, what would I find in that nuclease? What are intelligences? What is the power of GOD? As I already pointed out, as I now see from reading Cleon Skousen, we are on the same mode of thinking about the ‘I AM’, we are going to find some interesting, rather startling discovery. As to our messing with the light spectrum, in the Book of Abraham, there is key number for separation of glorified states on the chart. We are going to find, that as we are, the tiny little I AM is surrounded by those of lesser order than us, which are with us in this corporeal formed. Perhaps, it is the very reasoning why the Savior keeps us in remembrance of keeping our Temple or body clean all ways.

For what we suspect to be infinite expansion is not the case. Even an atom has limitation within. A neuron has limited boundaries. A cell has limited boundaries. Our own space [universe] has limited boundaries. Some will claim it is nothing more than what science is portraying today. My delving into the Big Bang collapse over time is not my reasoning but follows the same lines as Abraham taught the very Egyptian concerning what he saw via the Urim and Thummim. Numbers play a significant role in relating what is. .

Now, added illustration here, Astro Scientists finding last month into the biggest cosmos hole ever, made my day since it the very topic that I discussed back in the late 70s and early 80s, concerning 'Black Holes' are not collapsed stars [remember, that is still a theory that has not be proven beyond a paper] but more of a exchange connection to other such which we term universe as a collaborative body of GODs. IF I would to turn on a immense flashlight, I would find it to be no different from a neuron synapses connecting to another neuron. Patternization of what is now, is what was before, and provide our eventual reward in the end.

Now, to draw a closure, there is something to this title – namely ‘The Christ’ that we are missing the complete picture. Perhaps, for many, there is no room to fathom the depth of meaning to our eternal salvation when we are with the FATHER. The title used in this world [beside other worlds], namely the Christ, is the key to what I am alluding too. Everything is focused on this title, this being, ‘I AM’. As the FATHER was a Christ, so was our elder brother Jehovah, He was a Christ.

So what is our eternal goal in being with the FATHER? What is the FATHER goal for HIS eternal move? What are we truly seeking? I for one, am not an Astro scientist or Physis, nor make any claims to such. I just studying it, ponder it, and then seek the answer for correctness.

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ADDED EDIT: I just want others to remember, this is 'deep subject', which is not an eternal requirement for your salvation to reap those heavenly rewards. For some, it can be disturbing and this is why, you do not need to know. If it does not stir your soul, just move on.

You are going to find GOD will make known some deeper meanings for a personal edification and has a reasoning behind this even I do not understand. That being said, we have commonality in seeking a close relationship to be with the Godhead, along with our very own companions for the eternal journey.

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UPDATE: well, I passed Draper's article last night after arriving home, to my bookworm daughter #5 [13-years old] and told her give me her opinionate review on what she read. She is the same one whom digested Cleon Skousen’s Atonement article and what I put in writing concerning I AM – Intelligence are [complete article].

The next hour-half, I was in shock-n-awe, noting her intellectual capacity with reviewing all the said documents, she began a series of questions, “if this…then that?” Whoa! Out of the mouth of babes, speaks spiritual utterance.

Next, while in the paternal conversation, I raised the questions on what she thought about what I described of being outside of the known universe looking in. I gave her some observational viewpoint of grading of intelligences and physical body and the I AMs. My feelings after we ended our conversation, her generation will be the ones that the Lord may open the sealed portion of the plates; it would be easier for them to accept what is written without hesitation. Quite amazing children today.

I feel that David O McKay statement, we are in the days where the Lord has sent forth a royal generation.

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UPDATE: well, I passed Draper's article last night after arriving home, to my bookworm daughter #5 [13-years old] and told her give me her opinionate review on what she read. She is the same one whom digested Cleon Skousen’s Atonement article and what I put in writing concerning I AM – Intelligence are [complete article].

The next hour-half, I was in shock-n-awe, noting her intellectual capacity with reviewing all the said documents, she began a series of questions, “if this…then that?” Whoa! Out of the mouth of babes, speaks spiritual utterance.

Next, while in the paternal conversation, I raised the questions on what she thought about what I described of being outside of the known universe looking in. I gave her some observational viewpoint of grading of intelligences and physical body and the I AMs. My feelings after we ended our conversation, her generation will be the ones that the Lord may open the sealed portion of the plates; it would be easier for them to accept what is written without hesitation. Quite amazing children today.

I feel that David O McKay statement, we are in the days where the Lord has sent forth a royal generation.

That was really neat-o to read...seriously!

I am of the opinion that the "sealed portion" can be unsealed by us as individuals as we increasingly come unto Christ. The Lord has told me he will withhold no blessing from me that was promised, if I am faithful.

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Something on the line of this: Quarks to Quasars, Powers of Ten

[Caution - there are errors in the scaling but watch certain 'common' numbers as I already alluded too]

That web site is amazing.

Still not sure what you are getting at with the powers of ten, but it is amazing how much the really BIG scale stuff looks like the really SMALL scale stuff. Are you talking about PARTICULAR powers of ten?

How do we know that our Universe is not just a drop in someone's bucket...like the "universe" that was just one of many marbles that aliens were playing with in "Men in Black" ???

And yet we remain arrogant.

I opt for humility, especially in terms of our OWN doctrine. Instead of proving it to others (which the Lord has never asked us to do and is impossible without the witness of the Spirit) I would rather try and understand it myself. I enjoy sharing the basics with others, that which is needed to get them started on the same path I am on, but beyond that we need the Lord to show us and guide us and reveal it to us!

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Universe = GOD [Gods collaborate] = MAN [bODY/MATTER] = I AM = Atom = Intelligences collaborate]

I agree.

This also makes sense with spirit being matter "more fine or pure"

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Draw circle on a sheet.

Then at the top start with the INTELLIGENCE [xxxxxxxx}. Add the rest clockwise. Antu-clockwise for those living in Oz. lol

Tell me what do you see?

Sounds like fun...but I don't understand what the other ( 11 ??? ) entries will be.

Can you throw me a bone?

You seem to have something in mind.

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Where do the general titles come from?

I'm just not getting it ... the Lord "maketh no such thing known unto me" Hemi. :)

Unless you help me it may be a while before I am able to follow your invitation.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Topspin

Do not publish the book unless the church leaders know it is going to be published or you may open up a can of worms for yourself and cause controversy later on after publishing.....

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Guest tomk

Do not publish the book unless the church leaders know it is going to be published or you may open up a can of worms for yourself and cause controversy later on after publishing.....

What book are you talking about?

And the Church has never published a book more controversial than the Book of Mormon. :) So I'm not sure what your point is. :)

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The Earth will adorn her body as a ‘Urim and Thummim’ and allowing those of the CFB, to look to a higher kingdom which is above our own FATHER.

Yikes! (just had to say that)

Our own space [universe] has limited boundaries.

Hmmm... Can you lay out a case for this, specifically?

Now, added illustration here, Astro Scientists finding last month into the biggest cosmos hole ever, made my day since it the very topic that I discussed back in the late 70s and early 80s, concerning 'Black Holes' are not collapsed stars [remember, that is still a theory that has not be proven beyond a paper] but more of a exchange connection to other such which we term universe as a collaborative body of GODs.

Why do you feel collapsed stars and energy exchange conduits are incompatible? (and sorry for the intrusion into your conversation w/ tomk)


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Guest tomk

Yikes! (just had to say that)

...sorry for the intrusion into your conversation w/ tomk


Naw, you're fine, no worries (for my part at least). :)

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You have to see it from the “outside” looking in...It’s personal. The closest to identifying what and why about our known universe is to make a case based on the Book of Abraham – Intelligences and kingdoms. You will need that Spirit to answer this one for you or we can take it offline. In grasping this personal vestige, my 12-year old daughter understands it’s completely. Brigham Young declared that there are many kingdoms below us as there are many kingdoms above us. Now a given fact, there is something beyond what is written by Abraham and our edifying salvation of the Three Kingdoms of Glory.

As I told others, the Apocryphal of Abraham and Book of Enoch should be included in our scriptures for a reason; known truths are had within.

If I smashed a high-powered magnetic into small particles, what happens? To add, if I had a universal size flashlight and turned it on pointing at that 'Blackhole', what would I be seeing? To help in what I am trying to illustrate, there is a image in our gallery is to what I am referring too.

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