What does the Bible say about GodHood?


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Godhood: Man's Divine Potential





Matthew 5:48

Romans 8: 16-17

2 Corinthians 3:18

2 Peter 1:4

John 3:2

Hebrews 12:22-23

Revelation 2:26-27

Psalm 2:9

Revelation 3;21

LDS are blessed to know that we have the potential to become like our Father In Heaven. Just as earthly fathers want their children to enjoy all that they enjoy, so our Heavenly Father desires that his children receive all of the power and knowledge that He has.

The doctrine of man's ability to attain Godhood appears in several place in the NT. Moreover, this teaching ---know as theosis, deification, divinization--

is frequently found throughout the writings of the early church fathers..........

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I think the problem is the term "like". We are supposed to become "like God" but that doesn't by necessity mean that we shall be the same as God. We are called to take on the nature of God through Jesus but we are not going to be actually Jesus himself. "Like" can mean just similiar not necessarily identical. I hope to progress through santificaton to become like God, but I'm not planning to be God.

I look forward through the grace of God to being a God-natured man. I think the crucial difference is that LDS see God as a God-natured man, so you can see youself being the same as Him. I see Him as more than I'll ever be but I want to be as "like" Him as possible.

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I see men and women as being able to become gods and godesses only in a figurative sense. If i felt the Father had a body i would agree with the LDS view. But i see him as being spirit. Even if a personage he does not have to be a person of flesh. I feel we can't become like God in an area he is not that way. I feel we can become as perfect as Jesus the man, but anything else to me is speculation. I see a difference between godhood and Godhood with a capital "G'. Though most gods in LDS belief will be subordinate to God atleast some could become Gods like the Father. If the Father had a body he got on another earth He is not vastly unlike us so we could become like him completely.

In the creeds vast differences exist between creature and creator. If such differences exist it would limit whatever godhood man could achieve. To me being a god does not mean we have the potential to be a God.

A difference between LDS, and Community of Christ is LDS endorsed Joseph Smiths ideas we did not. What is true ideas to LDS is speculation to us. So we feel the speculation about Godhood was not a mystery of God, but a speculation of man.

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Godhood: Man's Divine Potential




I'm highly skeptical about the Bible containing as a central teaching that we can become God. Let's look at the verses.


Matthew 5:48: Jesus is telling us to love our Enemies. In so doing we would be perfect, as Jesus is. This is a call to love, not Godhood.

Romans 8: 16-17: The promise of God's inheritance, one fully of glory, is wonderous indeed. However, I find no need to read into this promise that I will be transformed into the same species as God.

2 Corinthians 3:18: Once again, the promise of glory, of exaltation, of great reward, of becoming yes like Jesus. Still no need to read into these promises that we will literally become God, or co-equal with God.

2 Peter 1:4: We partake in the divine nature because we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, not because we become God.

John 3:2: Is this from one of John's letters???

Hebrews 12:22-23: "Made perfect," = sinless, not Godhood.

Revelation 2:26-27: The promise of authority is not a promise of Godhood.

Psalm 2:9: I have no idea what this verse has to do with Godhood.

Revelation 3;21: Sitting on the throne with Jesus, representing him, receiving authority from him...none of these translate to becoming God.

The doctrine of man's ability to attain Godhood appears in several place in the NT. Moreover, this teaching ---know as theosis, deification, divinization--is frequently found throughout the writings of the early church fathers..........

The idea that we shall become godlike, vastly glorified etc. is far different from suggesting that we would share in God's actual substance--becoming co-equal in his Godhood. Most of the scriptures above read far differently to me...particular in the context of the writings. Great promises, but not equality with God.

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Perhaps the Psalm is supposed to be 82:6?

Its an old conversation that goes round and round. Its a semantic issue. Every Christian will agree that we must become perfect, at one with God, and sit with Him in His throne as joint heirs with Christ. Some just don't like the term god, thats all.

Both Mormons and non-Mormon Christians have but a faint notion of what awaits us in the Mansions of our Father. Specifically, what great works will we be called to perform as rulers over many things who have entered into the joy of our LORD? Mormons may have some answers that non-Mormons do not, but these are still a tiny glimpse of what is there.

Perhaps Mormons typically give non-Mormons less credit than due, and the non-Mormons typically give the Mormons credit for more than they deserve. Mormons picture the non-Mormon perception of the afterlife without the glory and exaltation described directly in the scriptures and non-Mormons picture the Mormon perception of the afterlife as one being without God.

Neither are accurate. The real difference is in the species of God and the species of man. Mormons believe they are the same and non-Mormons believe they are not. Other than this, the understandings are essentially the same.


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The response i have seen to the LDS idea of deification is that it was not what the early Christians meant by it. That LDS beliefs go far astray from what the early Christian church teachings meant. That the early church still taught there was one God who we had no potential to become Gods over separate creations we made ourselves. That they meant becoming gods in a different sense. I don't have access to the Evangelical response to LDS of what they feel is a misuse of the early Christian teachings to support. But i am aware of it.

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Its an old conversation that goes round and round. Its a semantic issue. Every Christian will agree that we must become perfect, at one with God, and sit with Him in His throne as joint heirs with Christ. Some just don't like the term god, thats all.

I agree with you there, I think we can become like God, or as God, or one with God or perfect and immortal, or entirely sanctified, or whatever you want to call it but it still means God the Father will always be the Father and Jesus will always be the one responsible for the atonement that allows us to become like God. They will always be worthy of worship.

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