David’s Mormon Conversion Story

David’s Mormon Conversion Story

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Joined: Aug 2024


David Snell, creator of the Sunday Pews and brilliant writer, talks about his constant conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. David has been a member of the Church for 18 years to date. He first expresses that everyone has to be converted to the gospel, regardless if they come from a Mormon family.

On David’s LDS mission, he came in contact a very well-studied man who seemed to know signicantly more than David and his mission companion. The man tried to convince the two missionaries of the faults in the Mormon Church which caused David to ponder on his testimony of the gospel.

David concludes that conversion is ongoing and while it’s important that we have questions, our daily effort will make all the difference in our relationship with the LDS Church.

What did you learn from David’s testimony? Let us know in the comments below 🙂


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