Latter-day Saints believe that Christ not only intends to save us from our sins, but that He also intends to exalt us—to teach us how to become more like our Father in Heaven. In this episode, Dave talks about what the Latter-day Saint doctrine of deification is and is not.
See video transcript here: [We’ll put a link here when available]
From the Church’s website:
From the Encyclopedia of Mormonism:
Relevant article from the Deseret News:
Answers to common questions about theosis:
More answers to common questions:
Review by Jordan Vajda of book on deification:
From “LDS Truth Claims” (FF to last ⅓):
Not the most authoritative source for additional info (this is just some guy’s blog), but I thought what he said about Latter-day Saints was funny:
-You’ll notice that this episode did not address the King Follett discourse. I’m planning on dedicating an entire episode to that sermon in the future, though it certainly does relate strongly to this subject.
-In my research I compiled quite a lengthy list of quotes from early church fathers, modern scholars, Church leaders, and others that talk about theosis. Because of the quantity, you can view them on our website. The link should be provided above once the transcript of this episode is published. Some of the quotes have already been included in this episode, but I strongly recommend checking those out if you are interested in this topic further.
It is worth noting once more that while several notable historical figures have spoken about theosis, I do not claim that each example represented in these notes (or on the website) reflect theosis in the exact same way as Latter-day Saints teach it today. Since I have some space here, here are a few examples of what you’ll find on our website:
-“We have learned that those only are deified who have lived near to God in holiness and virtue.” Justin Martyr
-“We have not been made gods from the beginning, but at first merely men, then at length gods.” Irenaeus
-The righteous are “…destined to sit on thrones with the other gods that have been first put in their places by the Saviour.” Clement of Alexandria
-“They see that from Him there began the union of the divine with the human nature. This was so that the human–by communion with the divine–might rise to be divine. This not only happened in Jesus, but also in all those who not only believe, but enter upon the life that Jesus taught.” Origen, (c. 248, E), 4.475.
-“Now it is possible that some may dislike what we have said representing the Father as the one true God, but admitting other beings besides the true God, who have become gods by having a share of God. They may fear that the glory of Him who surpasses all creation may be lowered to the level of those other beings called gods. We drew this distinction between Him and them that we showed God the Word to be to all the other gods the minister of their divinity…. As, then, there are many gods, but to us there is but one God the Father, and many Lords, but to us there is one Lord, Jesus Christ….” Origen (ca. AD 185-251), Commentary on John 2:3
-“Do not all Christian churches advocate Christlike behavior? If so, are we better Christians if we only desire to be 90 percent like Christ, rather than 100 percent? If it is blasphemous to think we can become as God now is, then at what point is it not blasphemous to become like God–90 percent, 50 percent, 20 percent, 1 percent? Is it more honorable to seek partial godhood than total godhood? Are we to walk the path of godhood with no hope of ever reaching the destination?” Tad Callister, “The Inevitable Apostasy and the Promised Restoration,” pg 159.
-“This is the central truth of all Christian soteriology that finds an organic unity with the revealed reality of the God-Man. God became man that man could truly participate in the life of God–so that, indeed, in a certain sense, he could become God. The Fathers of the Church had a clear consciousness of this fact. It is sufficient to recall St. Irenaeus who, in his exhortations to imitate Christ, the only sure teacher, declared: ‘Through the immense love he bore, he became what we are, thereby affording us the opportunity of becoming what he is.’” John Paul II, Jesus, Son and Savior, 1996, pg. 215. Address from September 2 1987. Cited here:
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