3 Mormons discuss the Millennial Generation and Mormon Millennials and the positives and negatives associated with it. Why are millennials awesome? Why are they not so awesome? The 3 Mormons all believe that there are good and bad things that come with the millennial generation and that we all can change and improve the stigma.
Kwaku believes that the rise of secularism is a rough spot on the millennial generation. He believes that religion in society is very important and that void of religion, we slowly cease to have that goal of what a society should be. And because of that we will become more selfish, prideful, and the family unit will break.
Ian asks the important question: “Is chivalry dead?” Shelley is quick to respond with a confident, “Yes”. Shelley has noticed that men opening doors for women depends on whether the man is interested in the woman. She also thinks that that is a millennial thing, and that in her experience older men will open the door for her but the men her own age will not. She believes that opening doors is an important thing that all millennials should do. Open doors for women!
Ian believes that because we lived with our Heavenly Father before this life, we were taught correct principles. Now, in this life, we can receive revelation from Him (which are those same correct principles from our previous life) to better ourselves and the millennial generation. Ian also says that because millennial entitlement is an epidemic running through many people, we need to pair ourselves with the spirit of God. By doing that, we will be able to live above the Millennial stereotype of entitlement and laziness, and get things done!
The 3 Mormons give their opinions on the millennial generation and what is good, what is bad, and how we can improve. Now it is your turn! Do you agree with Ian, Shelley, or Kwaku? Comment below and tell us your thoughts!
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