In 1857, rumors circulated that the “Mormons” out West in Utah Territory were in a state of rebellion against the United States. Instead of investigating the claims, President James Buchanan sent an army to Utah to replace Governor Brigham Young, and to restore peace. In this video, Dave explores how the Latter-day Saints responded to the incoming army – and avoided an early civil war in the process.
Video transcript:
— “Carpetbaggers, Reprobates, and Liars: Federal Judges and the Utah War (1857–58),” by Thomas Alexander:
— “‘Proud as a Peacock and Ignorant as a Jackass’: William W. Drummond’s Unusual Career with the Mormons,” by Ronald Walker (Journal of Mormon History):
— “The Brink of War,” via Smithsonian Magazine:
— “The Utah War” via Utah History Encyclopedia:
— “The Governor’s Lady a Letter from Camp Scott, 1857,” via Utah Historical Quarterly (transcript of a letter or two from Alfred Cumming’s wife, Elizabeth, reporting on expedition conditions):
— “The Utah War” via the Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual (2003):
— “A Different Pioneer Day,” by Matthew Grow:
— Handwritten reports on the proceedings of the peace conference on June 11 & 12, 1858: / /
— Sept. 13, 1857, remarks from Brigham Young regarding the approaching army:
— “Proclamation— Rebellion in the Territory of Utah,” via President James Buchanan (April 6, 1858), in which he offers Utahns a full pardon:
— “Prelude to Civil War: The Utah War’s Impact and Legacy,” by William P. MacKinnon:
— President Buchanan also had political motivation to address the “Mormon problem” out west. 1856 was an election year. One of the selling points for the Republican party was that their candidate would oppose what were referred to as the “twin relics of barbarism,” namely slavery and polygamy. The Democratic party supported slavery, but did not support polygamy. So, once the Democratic candidate (James Buchanan) won the election, he felt pressure to at least do something to address those polygamous Mormons out west.
— There is some historical disagreement on the date when the riders brought news of the incoming army and when Brigham became apprised to the situation. See footnote #52 here:
— The Saints didn’t dislike federal appointees just because they weren’t members of their faith. For example, the Saints mourned the deaths of both Judge Reed and Judge Shaver. “During their residence in the Territory, by their uprightness as judges and their deportment as men, they had endeared themselves to the whole community….” Source: “History of Utah” 1:543, by Orson F. Whitney.
— William Drummond wrote in his resignation letter, “I do believe that, if there was a man put in office as Governor of that Territory, who is not a member of the Church … and he supported with a sufficient military aid, much good would result from such a course.” Source: “History of Utah,” 1:582, Orson F. Whitney
— The Saints considered William Drummond unfair and immoral. Even one of his fellow federally-appointed chief justices (John Kinney) thought Drummond should be removed from office.
— Brigham Young is said to have made the following stark warning to Buchanan’s peace commissioners. However, I have yet to track down the *original* source for these remarks, so take them with a grain of salt.
“Now let me say to you Peace Commissioners, we are willing those troops should come into our country, but not to stay in our city. They may pass through it, if needs be, but must not quarter less than forty miles from us.
“If you bring your troops here to disturb this people, you have got a bigger job than you or President Buchanan have any idea of. Before the troops reach here, this city will be in ashes, every tree and shrub will be cut to the ground, and every blade of grass that will burn shall be burned.
“Our wives and children will go to the canyons, and take shelter in the mountains; while their husbands and sons will fight you; and, as God lives, we will hunt you by night and by day, until your armies are wasted away. No mob can live in the homes we have built in these mountains. That’s the program, gentlemen, whether you like it or not. If you want war, you can have it; but, if you wish peace, peace it is; we shall be glad of it.”
Source: “History of Utah” by Orson F. Whitney, 1:684
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