What did the “unofficial” witnesses of the Book of Mormon plates experience? Ep. 99

What did the “unofficial” witnesses of the Book of Mormon plates experience? Ep. 99

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In this episode, David explores the accounts of additional witnesses to the Book of Mormon gold plates, who were NOT among the Three and Eight Witnesses. How do antagonists explain their experiences?? Let’s find out!

Transcript and additional notes on our website: https://bit.ly/2VrEo2P
“5 Women Who Are Witnesses of the Physical Golden Plates,” by Chris Heimerdinger: https://bit.ly/2YYFPI9
“Hefted and handles: Tangible Interactions with Book of Mormon Objects,” by Anthony Sweat: https://bit.ly/3lIfoQH
“Empirical Witnesses of the Gold Plates,” by Larry E. Morris: https://bit.ly/2QNYH80
“How Witnesses Described the Gold Plates,” by Kirk B. Henrichsen: https://bit.ly/2F2flOY
Very informative video via “LDS Truth Claims”: https://bit.ly/2DmYeqq
Another informative video via “Latter-day Saint Q and A”: https://bit.ly/3lFymYa
Yet another informative video via “The Interpreter Foundation”: https://bit.ly/3lLM6R2


-There are a few different accounts of Mary Whitmer’s experience seeing the plates. The account used in this video was chosen, frankly, because it was the shortest one. Other accounts may provide additional details and may be more contemporary to the experience itself. I highly encourage you to read those accounts here: https://bit.ly/2GmVqLj

-One of Joseph Smith’s employers, Josiah Stowell, was at the house in Palmyra when Joseph initially arrived with the plates. In a later court hearing that we talked about in the episode linked below, Josiah testified that when Joseph arrived with the plates, he “saw a corner of [the record], it resembled a stone of a greenish caste…” which was likely an oxidized corner of the sealed portion of the plates. Josiah later joined the Church and died a faithful member. Video link: https://bit.ly/2F27mB7 More info: https://bit.ly/3lIfoQH

-In an interview with William Smith, William is reported as saying about the plates, “I did not see them uncovered, but I handled them and hefted them while wrapped in a tow frock and judged them to have weighed about sixty pounds. I could tell they were plates of some kind and that they were fastened together by rings running through the back.” -Interview of William Smith with E. C. Briggs and J. W. Peterson, “Zion’s Ensign,” Jan 13. 1894, p. 6.

-The grandson of Katherine Smith (Katherine was Joseph Smith’s little sister) reported that Katherine had told him of a time when she had found the plates covered in a cloth resting on a table. She “rippled her fingers up the edge of the plates and felt that they were separate metal plates and heard the tinkle of sound that they made.” While this is certainly a possibility, it could also be that the grandson confused the experiences of Katherine Smith and Emma Smith, who described a similar experience. More info here: https://bit.ly/31OraRK

-At one point, the plates were placed in an “old Ontario glass-box.” A friend of the Smiths named Alvah Beaman was present, and “when they [the plates] went in he said he heard them jink, but he was not permitted to see them.” Source: https://bit.ly/2QNYH80


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