What is the Latter-day Saint “White Horse Prophecy”? Ep. 80

What is the Latter-day Saint “White Horse Prophecy”? Ep. 80

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Whenever a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints runs for political office, you might hear talk of a mysterious “White Horse” prophecy. In this episode, Dave talks about what the prophecy is and whether or not it’s legitimate.

Transcript of this episode and possibly additional notes on our website:    https://saintsunscripted.com/faith-and-beliefs/the-restoration-of-christs-church/what-is-white-horse-prophecy/
Fantastic summary on this topic by George Cobabe: https://bit.ly/2UoC1Nn
Answering some common questions about the White Horse Prophecy: https://bit.ly/2QsxsjI
Edwin Rushton as the Source of the White Horse Prophecy (BYU): https://bit.ly/3a4npJx
Read Edwin Rushton’s original account (starting on pg. 31/101): https://bit.ly/2Ws1VSY
John Roberts’ version of Rushton’s “White Horse Prophecy” account: https://bit.ly/2Uk07Zr
See NOTES below to understand why John Roberts’ account is significant.
Another copy of Roberts’ version: https://bit.ly/3ddybPD
Yet another: https://bit.ly/3dgByoP
Last one: https://bit.ly/3ddMdRd


-Edwin Rushton’s account is the earliest written account available. However, the most popular (and most often cited) account is from the journal of John Roberts (as you’ll notice from the links above). He wrote it down on March 2, 1902, and was apparently receiving his information from a man named Robert Pierce. It is another iteration of the Rushton account, and is written from Rushton’s perspective.

-If we disregard the details about the colored horses and focus on the more reliable statements about the Saints one day helping to preserve the Constitution of the United States… some people believe it is implied that we believe the Saints will “take over” the U.S. government. This interpretation is, of course, false. At least, that is not how Latter-day Saints interpret it.

-The full quote from President Joseph F. Smith is this: “The ridiculous story about the ‘red horse,’ and ‘the black horse,’ and ‘the white horse,’ and a lot of trash that has been circulated about and printed and sent around as a great revelation given by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is a matter that was gotten up, I understand, some ten years after the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by two of our brethren who put together some broken sentences from the Prophet that they may have heard him utter from time to time, and formulated this so called revelation out of it, and it was never spoken by the prophet in the manner in which they have put it forth. It is simply false; that is all there is to it.”

-The two people President Smith is referring to are probably Edwin Rushton and Theodore Turley, whom Rushton said was also present for the experience. Unfortunately, Turley died in 1872, before the Rushton account (the first account) was created. Thus, we may never know if Turley was actually there and what his side of the story would have been.

-Here’s an additional helpful quote given by Joseph Fielding Smith (son of Joseph F. Smith) at that same 1918 general conference:

“I have discovered that people have copies of a purported vision by the Prophet Joseph Smith given in Nauvoo, and some people are circulating this supposed vision, or revelation, or conversation which the prophet is reported to have held with a number of individuals in the city of Nauvoo. I want to say to you, my brethren and sisters, that if you understand the Church articles and covenants, if you will read the scriptures and become familiar with those things which are recorded in the revelations from the Lord, it will not be necessary for you to ask any questions in regard to the authenticity or otherwise of any purported revelation, vision, or manifestation that proceeds out of darkness, concocted in some corner, surreptitiously presented, and not coming through the proper channels of the Church.

“Let me add that when a revelation comes for the guidance of this people, you may be sure that it will not be presented in some mysterious manner contrary to the order of the Church. It will go forth in such form that the people will understand that it comes from those who are in authority, for it will be sent either to the presidents of stakes and the bishops of the wards over the signatures of the presiding authorities, Or it will be published in some of the regular papers or magazines under the control and direction of the Church or it will be presented before such a gathering as this, at a general conference. It will not spring up in some distant part of the Church and be in the hands of some obscure individual without authority, and thus be circulated among the Latter-day Saints. Now, you may remember this.”


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