What purpose did the golden plates serve if they weren’t needed for the translation? Ep. 153

What purpose did the golden plates serve if they weren’t needed for the translation? Ep. 153

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Joined: Aug 2024


If Joseph Smith translated the golden plates via a seer stone, why were the plates themselves needed at all? Were they pointless? In this episode, Dave explores some of the answers to this question.

Video transcript and additional notes: https://bit.ly/3J7xO8K

From those fantastic scholars over at Book of Mormon Central: https://bit.ly/3lIeuFk
Some additional information to consider: https://bit.ly/3ICbvbF
“The Imperative for a Historical Book of Mormon” by Stephen Smoot in Interpreter Journal: https://bit.ly/3HzmqRt
“The Sword of Laban as a Symbol of Divine Authority and Kingship” by Brett Holbrook, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies: https://bit.ly/3Gmg5bN
“Book of Mormon Evidence: The Nephite Ark” via Evidence Central: https://bit.ly/3EB28pW
Some thoughts from “AskGramps”: https://bit.ly/3rP2yp4


— Another small example of how the plates were used: Joseph Smith did copy down characters directly from the plates, which Martin Harris then went and showed to a few scholars. And that experience had a significantly positive impact on Martin’s dedication to the translation project.

— While Latter-day Saints believe the Book of Mormon does tell about real history, it was never meant to be strictly used like a history textbook. Its purpose is primarily to bring souls unto Christ, not to teach you about ancient civilizations.


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