Who are Sons of Perdition and what is the unpardonable sin? Ep. 43

Who are Sons of Perdition and what is the unpardonable sin? Ep. 43

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Joined: Aug 2024


Both the Bible and The Book of Mormon talk about a sin so bad that it’s considered ‘unpardonable.’ It’s described as the sin of denying the Holy Ghost. But what does that mean? Who is guilty of it? How does one even commit this sin? What does the term “Son of Perdition” mean in a Latter-day Saint context? Dave talks about all of this and more in this episode of Faith and Beliefs.

(Latter-day Saints are often called ‘Mormons,’ the name being derived from their belief in the Book of Mormon. However, the name of the Church has been incorrectly termed the Mormon Church. Latter-day Saints are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.)

More info on this subject from our website: https://bit.ly/2Hnlxzk

From the Church’s website: https://bit.ly/2z0hUe4

Quotes from past leaders: https://bit.ly/33DaxHF

A pile of scripture references: https://bit.ly/2N2bvXT

More on Sons of Perdition: https://bit.ly/2OVTtcA

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