Who is JESUS CHRIST to Mormons? Ep. 15

Who is JESUS CHRIST to Mormons? Ep. 15

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Joined: Aug 2024


In this episode, Dave talks about who Jesus Christ is to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (incorrectly referred to as the Mormon Church or LDS Church). Spoiler alert: Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He’s the Son of God, the Creator, Jehovah, and the perfect example for us to follow.

So do members of the restored church believe in Jesus? YES. We would have absolutely no religion if we didn’t believe in him since he is the very core of all of our religious beliefs.

Have questions? Check out this article on our website: https://bit.ly/2u6Lg7S

More on Christ: https://bit.ly/2GcjaQZ

Do Mormon believe in a “different Jesus” than other Christian sects? Saints Unscripted discusses it here: https://bit.ly/2tbryHO

Is this segment scripted? Yes! Here’s why: https://bit.ly/2Gf3pIS

Watch more Faith and Beliefs videos: https://bit.ly/2BlOxEB

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