Why did Jesus choose Gethsemane? Ep. 145

Why did Jesus choose Gethsemane? Ep. 145

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Joined: Aug 2024


Before Christ enters Gethsemane, He’s fully aware of what is about to happen. At the last supper Christ prophesies about Judas’s imminent betrayal, Peter’s triple-denial, and He even says the next time He drinks of the fruit of the vine will be in the kingdom of God. He knows his suffering is about to begin, and intentionally chooses Gethsemane as the setting. Why Gethsemane? As it turns out, Gethsemane has a powerful message to share about Christ.

Video transcript and additional notes: https://bit.ly/3ebAAMm

“Holy Week: Gethsemane” by Daniel Smith at Messages of Christ (go subscribe to this channel, goshdangit): https://bit.ly/3mPSdqm
“Gethsemane is the Oil Press Where Jesus Pressed Out the Blood of His Atonement” by Taylor Halverson: https://bit.ly/2ZYeFoc
A quick rundown about olive tree horticulture from BYUI professor Bruce Satterfield (with excellent pictures): https://bit.ly/2ZWiY34
For some examples of other Christians who believe Christ’s payment for sin started in Gethsemane, see quotes from this source: https://bit.ly/3kaUWZr


— A valuable note about olive trees from my editor: “Olive trees are interesting. They live a LONG time and are just kinda ugly. They really don’t have any beauty that would make them desirable, but they are the staff of life — olive oil for cooking, yes, but also for light. In ancient times it took 40 years for an olive tree to bear fruit, so you really were planting them for the next generation.”


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