Inside the $200 Million Temple Transfer


On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints assumed control of the Kirtland Temple, among many other historic sites and manuscripts related to the early history of the Church. The Community of Christ had previous ownership of the property and manuscripts.

While there is a literal appendix full of the particulars of the transfer, the main takeaway will be that the Kirtland Temple has changed hands.

The Kirtland Temple was built by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and dedicated in 1836. It was the first temple built by the new church. Many reported the presence of angels at its dedication, and among Latter-day Saints, the dedication is often compared to the day of Pentecost in terms of the outpourings of the spirit.

In the little more than a year that the Church of Jesus Christ operated the temple, some of the most remarkable spiritual experiences associated with the Church’s early founding occurred. Among the remarkable visitations included Jesus Christ, who visited in an event recorded in the Doctrine & Covenants section 110. During this visit, Christ accepted the temple as His house. In addition, Moses and Elijah appeared. Moses gave Joseph Smith the priesthood power to gather Israel. Elijah gave Joseph Smith the priesthood power to seal families together. These two functions remain at the heart of the Church’s teaching and mission today.

To read the entire article: Public Square Magazine