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Reflections on 9/11: Why America’s Unity Didn’t Last
The poet Guillaume Apollinaire coined the word surreal (“beyond reality”) in 1917 to describe irrational, illogical, and dreamlike art expressing the unconscious mind. We now use surreal to mean “strange; not
Who Benefits From Tithing?
Tithing is for the benefit of an individual, not for the benefit of the church. @honestgoodness Tithing is for the benefit of an individual, not
The 8 Witnesses to the Book of Mormon
Even after being beaten by a mob in Missouri, Hiram Page still would not deny that the Book of Mormon was true. @bookofmormoncentral Hiram Page,
Is It Really Justifiable To Call Joseph Smith a Martyr?
Hey guys — on June 27, 1844, a mob burst into Carthage Jail and murdered Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Latter-day Saints consider Joseph Smith to
When Representation Fails: Latter-day Saints and the Cost of Invisibility
In the last three years, there have been 1676 scripted television series on network, cable, and streaming platforms. Of those shows, two of them had a main
Forged Joseph Smith Letter
How a forged Joseph Smith letter helped this church historian develop faith in Christ and learn best practices for approaching historical claims. @letsgetrealstephenjones How a
Should we watch shows that have LGBTQ characters?
Question Gramps, Should we allow TV shows that depict some characters as LGBTQ in our homes? DG Answer DG, In today’s world, media representation plays
Satanic Symbols on Latter-day Saint Temples
Welcome to Keystone! On Keystone, our goal is to fortify Latter-day Saint faith and combat misinformation through good old-fashioned research. I’m your host, David Snell.