Maze Runner Wins Mashable’s Best YA Series Ever

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Gale Boyd

Joined: Mar 2014



Maze Runner was announced the winner on June 4th! Read about it at the Mashable winner’s page.


Maze Runner is now in the final two for best YA series of all time, competing against Throne of Glass. Here is the Mashable page about the final round of voting. Vote on the Mashable page or their Twitter page. The winner will be announced June 4th.


Mashable is in its fourth round of determining the internet’s choice of best Young Adult series of all time. Mormon author James Dashner is one of four authors heading into the semi-final round with his series, Maze Runner.

Here are the finalists:

Favorite Fantasy Series: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Favorite Contemporary Series: If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Favorite Dystopian Series: Maze Runner by James Dashner

Favorite Supernatural Series: Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.

The two brackets pictured below show the series entered into the competition and who the winners have been so far:

Brackets for fiction competition

Brackets for fiction competition

In the dystopian fiction category, Dashner’s Maze Runner series has overwhelmed the Hunger Games, Shatter Me, Divergent, Matched, The Selection, The Uglies, and Legend series.

The Twitter hashtag for the contest is #OneTrueYA and the winner will be determined by popular vote. Vote on the match-ups on Mashable’s page, or on their Twitter account, and check back on June 2 for the Round 4 winners!

To vote you will choose between the following:

1. Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare vs. Maze Runner by James Dashner

2. If I Stay by Gayle Forman vs. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

The two winners will face off in the final round.