All leadership positions in the church and temple positions have to be filled by people who are clean shaven in the face and have short hair. You get in trouble at the BYU schools if you don't have a clean shaven face and short hair. Every prophet since David O'Mckay has been clean shaven without facial hair. Yet, in every description of God and Jesus they appear to have long hair and beards. Why do you suppose they have their hair and facial hair like that and what does the current church in 20
The standard of clean shaving started in the 1920s, following the return of USAan doughboys from France.
Prior to that period, most men had beards or mustaches, or sideburns (named for Ambrose Burnsides, federal Civil War general, whose sideburns were phenomenal). But the Roman army was clean shaven because a beard gave the enemy a handhold he could exploit: grab and pull. The invention of gunpowder and firearms made shaving unnecessary, so for the next three or four centuries beards were a