Speech from Non-LDS Graduate Invites You to Know Christ

Kyle Martin Speech

Kyle Martin received a 4-year full-ride scholarship and graduated with a 4.6 GPA. In his speech titled “The 16th Second,” Martin spoke of his regrets about becoming valedictorian.

Martin graduated in 2019 from the King’s Academy in Palm Beach, Florida. Things took an unexpected turn as Martin began speaking. He said, “I’m well aware that this is kind of a downer speech but I don’t care…” after which the video went viral on social media.

Related Link: Students Graduating Top of Class Credit Success to Their Testimonies 

The King’s Academy takes pride in being a private Christian academy for students in grades 4-12. Their homepage shows the name of the school as, “The King’s Academy: Where Christ is King.”

What do you think of his speech? Share in the comments.

Zoë Holyoak is currently a BYU student, photographer, and writer. Her hobbies include long walks through the ice cream aisle at the grocery store and correcting bad grammar. She is also a proud member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served a mission for the Church in Portland, Oregon.