Elder Ballard Counsels Young Adults in Multi-Stake Conference

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

Thousands of young adults, both married and single, made their way to the Marriott Center on Brigham Young University’s campus yesterday to hear Elder M. Russell Ballard speak at a Multi-Stake Conference.

Elder Ballard counseled the members of the 14 invited stakes to have a personal interview with the Lord in order to measure our intentions and to then write down a few things we can change, and make it a goal to start working on those goals today. A few other tidbits of counsel those in attendance heard are as follows:

  • Be attractive—take the time and effort to make yourself presentable
  • Avoid Pornography
    • draw a line over which you will never cross, and don’t cross it
  • Find things that need to be fixed in your life and fix them
  • Although Elder Ballard states it is irrelevant what his favorite scripture is, he shares that he loves the scripture, “If ye love me keep my commandments,” because it truly is that simple
  • Exercise
    • Elder Ballard expounded on this counsel explaining that it’s hard for him to talk about exercising because, as he stated, “I truly hate it.” He continued to explain that he understands we were commanded to get enough rest, and to exercise our bodies, and that is why he rides his bike.

Elder Ballard stressed the importance of never drifting from the truth. Members should grab the gospel with both hands and hold on as they continue through life.