Belief PSM Why Are Some Only Aspiring For Terrestrial Glory?

Why Are Some Only Aspiring For Terrestrial Glory?


Why are many aspiring for Terrestrial Glory instead of Celestial Glory?  Gale Boyd and Carol Rice explore the reasons in their article:

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that through the grace of our Lord, we can return to heaven—a heaven that’s as bright as the sun. There, we can inherit all the lovely things our Heavenly Father has to offer. Some find it difficult to imagine themselves abiding such celestial grandeur, however, and there’s a new breed of social media influence openly sermonizing the benefits of reaching for the stars, maybe the moon—basically aspiring for the terrestrial.

These messages seem especially aimed at Latter-day Saint women as a solution for mental health distress; “make your own choices,” “Do what’s best for you,” “God doesn’t want you to worry about details,” “The gospel of Jesus Christ is a menu of religious options to pick and choose from, just take what works for you.”

There’s a tone to these sentiments that resonates with a tired, unsure heart. And there are certainly elements of truth that this is ultimately “our choice,” and ought to take care not to allow anyone to make the choice for us.

To read the entire article:  Public Square Magazine


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