Why Do Latter-day Saints Bless Their Babies?

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Third Hour Staff

Joined: Nov 2023

Hey guys, so in a previous video, I briefly mentioned that every once in a while during a Latter-day Saint church service, you might be present for what we call a baby blessing—but in that video, I didn’t explain what a baby blessing is. So let’s talk about what they are, why we do them, and how baby blessings have changed over time.

Alright, so different faith traditions have different ways of formally introducing children into the community of faith. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we give babies or young children a name and a blessing. This ordinance (or religious ceremony) normally takes place in front of the child’s local congregation during our church services, usually on a fast Sunday — though the Bishop of that congregation or ward can figure out other arrangements as needed. For example, during Covid, many baby blessings happened at home instead of at church.

As per the Church’s handbook, “Under the direction of the bishopric, Melchizedek Priesthood holders gather in a circle to name and bless a child. They place their hands under a baby, or they place their hands lightly on an older child’s head.” One of the men in the circle (usually the child’s father) names the child and gives him or her a blessing as inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The naming and/or blessing of children is something we do see being done in ancient scripture, though not in precisely the same way that we do it today. For example, eight days after being born, both Jesus and John the Baptist were circumcised (as per the Law of Moses) and were given their names. During Christ’s mortal ministry in the Old World and His post-mortal ministry in the New World, He took the children up in his arms, “put His hands upon them, and blessed them.”

To read the entire article: Saints Unscripted/Faith & Beliefs