Coping With Post-Mission Depression
Logan Hill, a writer for, has approached the topic of depression in return missionaries, coining the name as Post-Mission Depression, or PMD. Hill has linked the video above as it includes an important discussion between Elder Bednar and a recently returned missionary. This discussion becomes a vital source of advice within his article.
Elder Bednar is asked by the returned missionary how he may feel the intensity of the Spirit as he did on his mission. Elder Bednar responds:
You may not want that intensity all the time.
Bednar goes on to explain that it is within the process of progressing to be like the Savior that we, His children, do not need the level of spiritual intensity that may be felt while on a Church mission. Bednar continues by saying:
Maybe He just trusts you to do what’s right. And He doesn’t need to send overwhelming spiritual experiences to get your attention.
In his article, “How to Cope with Post-Mission Depression”, Hill explains what is comprised in PMD, discusses symptoms and a possible cure. Some of the symptoms that Hill has documented are:
- Random bouts of crying for no reason
- A broken heart
- The urge to help people or teach the gospel all the time but being unable to do so
- Not finding joy or satisfaction in doing day-to-day or menial tasks or activities you love
- Feeling guilty for just sitting around or wasting time
Hill mentions that the symptoms of PMD aren’t limited to what has been listed above as other symptoms of depression are unique to those who suffer from it.
Please visit the following website to read Logan Hill’s complete article.