Elder Oaks Expresses Concern for ‘Gift-Giving’ Taking Precedence Over Christ this Christmas

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

In a Christmas Devotional addressed to the BYU Management Society, Elder Dallin H. Oaks asked those in attendance to consider making Christ the focus of Christmas again.

Noting that no other person has ever impacted the world more than Jesus Christ, Oaks stated, “The greatest art and music of the Western world has been devoted to celebrating the birth and the life and the mission of Jesus Christ. … Millions have given their lives, and, more importantly, millions have patterned their lives after the Lord God of Israel, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, our Savior.” 

Throughout the past decade or so, Oaks explained that he has seen a shift of focus take place. What once was a celebration focused on Christ’s birth, life, and ministry, is now a season focused on gifts, Santa Claus, bowl games and holiday music that doesn’t mention our Savior.

Oaks urged individuals to again focus this season on celebrating the Savior of all mankind. He concluded, saying,

The gift that Christ gives is the greatest gift ever given, and it is available to each of us. That is the gift we should celebrate at this and every Christmas.

Read Elder Oaks’ full remarks at mormonnewsroom.org.