Mormon Artist Rediscovered and Given His Well-Earned Recognition

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Among the pantheon of mormon artists, you probably have never heard of German artist Joseph Paul Vorst.

Baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1924, his work was well-respected in his day, and his art has been featured at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the National Gallery, and MOMA. Despite this renown, his faith was unknown until only a few years ago.

This discovery has led to a renewal of interest in the artist’s amazing works, and the Church has recently acquired a number of his paintings. These include renditions of the Hauns Mill Massacre, a piece called Religious Persecution that depicts Mormons being tarred and feathered, and a lithograph of a young boy titled Joe and His Mission. 

His art will be featured in an exhibit at the LDS Church History Museum, which will be a retrospective of both his life and works. You can learn more about the discovery of both his faith and his works at


Logan Groll is a BYU undergraduate student studying English with a minor in Creative Writing. Born in the mountains of Utah but raised in the wooded hills of Virginia, he now lives in Springville, Utah with his sweetheart. His passions are his wife, his faith and his dream of being an author.