‘We can find peace’: Elder Holland visits the Middle East

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

This article was originally written by Sarah Jane Weaver for Deseret News.

In chapels, in homes and as individuals, “we can find peace,” said Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, speaking to Latter-day Saints in the Middle East during a recent visit.

The address to Church members in Jerusalem was one of many during a 17-day assignment to six countries Nov. 6 through Nov. 22.

During the trip, Elder Holland presided at a district conference and two stake conferences; met with other members, missionaries and government leaders; and gave counsel regarding the tensions that exist in the region.

Elder Holland was accompanied on the trip by his wife, Sister Patricia Holland; Elder Larry R. Lawrence of the Seventy and his wife, Sister Laurel S. Lawrence; and Brother R. David McMillan of the Church’s Middle East Desk and his wife, Sister Brenda McMillan.

In addition to Jerusalem, the leaders visited Istanbul, Turkey; Amman, Jordan; Beirut, Lebanon; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; and Manama, Bahrain.

In Istanbul, Elder Holland addressed 150 Church members gathered in the Marriott hotel on Nov. 8. In addition, he met with missionaries from the Central Eurasian Mission, which was created in July of this year.

Read the full article at DeseretNews.com.