10 Things I Learned in My First 10 Minutes of Motherhood

Image via pregnancyandbaby.com.

This article was originally published in FamilyShare by Becky Squire. Below is an excerpt.

You never forget the moment you become a mother. Ready or not (I’m guessing not), it’s an instant that will forever be etched in your life. Every woman’s experience is unique, but here are a few things you will learn in those first moments of motherhood.

1. How to love my husband in a new and completely different way

I remember the first time I looked over at my husband right after I gave birth to our first child. It was like I was looking at a different person. He wasn’t just my husband anymore. He was a father. He and I had just experienced one of our greatest miracles together and not only did I see him in a new light, but I could feel our relationship strengthen as we started a new chapter together.

2. I can do anything

Women are tough! I know some who went through 24 hours of hard labor or others whose abdomens were pounded on for half an hour after giving birth because their placenta didn’t come out. I know women who tried for years and suffered countless heart-aches before becoming a mother. These are no small feats. You are amazing, my friend!

To read the rest of the article, go to FamilyShare.

Bridget is a newsroom writer at LDS.net. She graduated in April 2015 from Brigham Young University in communications with an emphasis of public relations. She served a Spanish speaking LDS mission in McAllen, Texas. She is a skilled pianist and an expert baker of chocolate chip cookies.