5 FREE Resources to Help You #LIGHTtheWORLD

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Jasmine Turner

Joined: Sep 2017

After an amazing response from people worldwide after last year’s Light the World initiative, the LDS Church has again challenged us to spread the true meaning of Christmas by performing Christlike acts of service for 25 days straight.

If you are looking for ways to enhance how you can #LIGHTtheWORLD, here are a variety of FREE resources ranging from kids activities to memes that can be shared through social media:

1. Especially for Kids: Daily Activity Pages from The Redheaded Hostess

These fun and FREE activity pages all focus on the Light the World campaign. They would work great for all ages, with mom or dad helping to fill in the written portions for little ones who aren’t able to write yet.

kids daily activity pages Light the World
via Red Headed Hostess

2. More Kids Fun: Daily Kids Service Calendar from A Year of FHE

This calendar gives you specific kid-friendly ideas for how to do daily acts of service that are related to the Light the World themes.

Light the World kids service calendar
via www.ayearoffhe.net

3. Anonymous Service Adventures: Printable Kit from Hang a Ribbon on the Moon

Does your family like to “Ding Dong Ditch” with service projects? It always makes for a fun time when you are trying to keep your identity hidden from the recipient. Try out this kit with free printables to make anonymous service a piece of cake!

Light the World Christmas service kit
via www.hangaribbononthemoon.com

4. Words from the Heart: Christmas Gratitude Cards with calligraphy by Melissa Esplin

If you’re not up to hiding in the bushes and want to be a little more obvious with your service, here is a great set of printable Thank You cards from Melissa Esplin. This might be an especially meaningful activity to do for those of the older generation, who would definitely appreciate a handwritten card, rather than an electronic form of communication.

calligraphy Christmas Thank You cards
via www.melissaesplin.com

5. For Busy People: Light the World Scripture Memes or Printables by Chicken Scratch n Sniff

A simple scripture meme sent via text, posted on social media, or printed and given to someone in need can be an easy way to incorporate the Light the World campaign, as well. These cute images from Chicken Scratch n Sniff will allow you to spend more time serving and less time designing something yourself. Use them to brighten someone’s day this Christmas season.

Even with all the busyness of the holidays, make sure to take the time and “Light the World” this year! It will undoubtedly fill your Christmas season with more meaning and bring the true Spirit of Christmas as you follow in the footsteps of Him whose birth we celebrate.

Liz Lemon Swindle Mary Joseph Baby Jesus
“Silent Night” by Liz Lemon Swindle via Repartee Gallery