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Posts posted by Solace

  1. Just curious, I have no doubt that God exists, that there are prophets of God in this world. I believe that those prophets with God’s authority are the leadership of the LDS church. I believe that the Book of Mormon is true scripture along with the bible. But I’m confused. This probably doesn’t make sense, let me explain more.

    I work in a hospital. Few people at my work are active in the LDS church. Lots are less-active and very few are not members. Every single person who is less-active has stories upon stories about how they feel that Mormons are prideful, hypocritical and full of themselves, etc. They feel like people of the church look down on them because they are not of the so called “elite” of the church meaning that they don’t attend the temple every month, go to relief society activities, do all of their visiting teaching every month, etc (this is when they where active member of course).

    One part of one person’s story goes something like this. She just moved to Utah and throughout the week introduced herself to the neighbors. Not all, but quite a few of them asked her if she was Mormon before they started their conversation. She found this strange but didn’t think much of it. Then her neighbor across the street told her something very strange. The neighbor said to her that she seemed to her that she was either not LDS or from out of state. This outright shocked my co-worker. She asked her neighbor why she thought this. The neighbor said that my co-worker first words were not about saving her from hell and that she was talking to her even though she wasn't LDS about life. Then the neighbor thanked my co-worker for this.

    Am I making sense? I’m not easily offended and personally don’t see this around me. Most people at my work have gone less-active because of this so-called behavior of the members of this church. Some people on my home teaching list avoid me like a plague, so maybe they think the same about me. This seems very sad to me.

    I don’t know…am I making sense? Anyone understand what I’m asking and trying to say, though probably not very well? Do we drive people away because of the way we act and not even realize it?

    The only thing that I can think of about this subject that comes close is that every single LDS girl treats me like I’m not worthy to be her friend cause for some reason I find it hard to talk to her, not too confident in myself, etc. (I know, that probably doesn’t make sense, but if you knew me, you would understand), but the girls that I know who are not LDS don't feel this way. But then again, maybe I’m seeing more into it than there is there.

    Am I making sense? Please let me know what you think. Are we really that rude as a whole?

    This must be somewhat true for people do feel this way about us, but is it so widespread? I don't know, I'm not too sure that I should have asked this. But I'm just curious.