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Posts posted by mpho

  1. I would suggest that if you are teaching primary class use stories and activities to teach the lesson and if its YW class this could also apply.If its Relief Society then use a method that would have the sisters think and be able to bring the situation into their daily lives. I have used this and i've seen it work.

  2. I'm in a similar situation He is in nigeria and i'm in south africa, but he is a returned missionary we haven't met but have sent photo's of each other. what i believe is that prayer and the guidance from God will help you know what you should,we have also been dating for 5 months now and he is making arrangement to come study in south africa so he can be closer to me. I also believe that Heavenly Father will answer your prayers and if this is a trial that he has to put you through then i believe it will be worth it and He will bless you. I also believe that for myself, we always talk and say hey in the end Heavenly Father will make a way for us to finally meet and get to spend time together and know each other.So have faith don't loose hope He is always there.:P