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Posts posted by meredith14

  1. We live in an area where we lose power for days. So we use our camping gear. We have several camp stoves that use white gas along with a heater and light. We have a years supply of firewood to keep warm and we also would move into one room and not heat the rest of the house. When we don't have power we go to town to wash clothes but I do dry them on a line here at home. I don't know what would do for long term "EVERYONE" is without power kinda of thing. I can most of my food stuff to be shelf stable. I don't want to lose a freezer full of food.

    Back to the water issue..we live on a well and when power goes out we lose the use of a toilet. So we have 2lt plastic bottles filled with water to use for the toilet. I store them on there side under shelf that has space. We don't use for drinking so I don't ever rotate them.

    Larry- i find plastic buckets at restaurants. I ask them to save them for me with the lids in tack. I like them better cause you can keep them cleaner and move them around for rotation better. I too can have mice here and so I keep mouse bait every where and check on it.

  2. I used to live in Vancouver, Wa., and I know Portlanders have a strange way of Pronouncing "Willamette" and "Couch". The accent in Willamette is on 'am', and Couch is pronounced "kooch"(of course this a just on the street in downtown Portland)...These are some ways to detect out of towners.

    Well, this is the way you say it...that's why we put the accent on "am". We always know when someone is new or not from around here and they will put the accent on "Will" and make the "am" more like a soft "a" sound.

    I have live in Portland most of my life and now we live a bit south of there. I think the word got out on how great our little area is in the last year we have incressed our ward by a third. Now there is talk of splitting our ward.:(

  3. I never had tried to make it but I can tell you that NOTHING is going to taste like the real thing. You just have to find one that you can live with and "get" by with.


    get a cow and make it that way!

  4. Now this is just my humble thoughts...your hubby should be helping out a bit more! I feel that I too work from 9-5 just like he does and then when he walks in the door we are co-parents and it's just not all on me for the rest of the day. He is missing out on quality time with his son at bed time and other moments. I treat my at home time like a job and then later when he is home it is total team work with the kids. (we have 5 boys) We make sure the kids are in bed at 8pm so we can watch TV or do what ever quite thing we want without kids around. Its really hard, I know cause I've been there and done that. It also does not help that you are at the end of your PG and are getting less sleep and with hubby losing he job you are both stressed to the max...but let him know your thoughts and feelings and help you out. We are helpmeet's to one another. He can't make it without you and if you are down and tired...the house will come crumble down around you. Also remember that this too will pass. You are doing the right thing by being home and there for your kids... keep smiling


  5. there is a great older book called something like Getting your child to sleep through the night. It has different ideas on helping a child to self sooth himself to go back to sleep for all the different stages and ages. I used it with my second child and it was great. It can be really hard on parents when a child won't sleep right and now that you are PG again it can be even harder. Little kids think of mom as the only one who can care or help them at because we are the ones who nurse at night and when dad works during the day we tend to take that on so dad can get a good night sleep. But as we have more kids and get run down we tend to give in more and not stay to the routine or rules as good as we should. Dad on the other hand sticks to them better. So...when getting a small child on to a good nite time should be the one to do it for the first 3-4 nights and then by then mom can step in to help out. Its good to do this on a long weekend. Good luck.

  6. tomatoes,tom sauce,pizza sauce

    artichoke hearts,peas,corn,beans,carrots dried,mushrooms dried and canned

    three bean salad

    apple juice,grape juice, kool aids, juice boxes, pear and prune and tomatoe juice as well.

    lots of jams jellies


    fruit cocktail

    apple sauce

    peache and pear,pineapple,mandrines oranges

    bbq sauce, hot sauce, salad dressings, mustard, vinegar

    loads of pickles, olives, hot peppers, relish, pickles beans, pickled beats,

    sugar, brown, powdered, extra fine,

    flour, all types

    rice -three different kinds

    lentels- four different kinds

    barley, wheat

    meats- fish, chicken, spam, tuna, clams, pork

    peanut butter

    soups -about 10 different kinds

    canned beans- about 10 different kinds

    Milks- pwd, sweet, soy, cocconut, evap

    everything for baking, syrups, pwds, chocolate

    salts, and seasonings

    lots of chocolate and sweets



    pastas-about 10 different kinds, top ramen,

    first aid kits

    all bathroom stuff

    about 3 months of cleaning supplies except bleach, I have a year on that.

    hubby has loads of guns and ammo

    I'm still stuck on the fuel, we only have 8 gals of white gas for stoves and lights. I know I need more...just don't know how much.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of things. We are set and have been for a bit. I have a spare room and it set up to look like a store when you walk in it. I shop from food storage during the week and then when I go to the store I buy what's on sale.

  7. Lots of time there are little used space in the back parts of closets that are hard to reach. Stack stuff there. Under beds is great place.

    When we were in a little space with kids, I took a hard look at what I had and got rid a ton of stuff so I could store what was important (food). It felt so good to get rid a ton of JUNK, but there were times later when I went searching for something and remembered I had turfed it! Then I kicked myself for getting rid of something I still needed and had to buy again.

    Also remember that a year is ideal but if you can store just 3 months right now you are on the right track.

  8. One of my favorite things about Emergency Essentials (besides all their great products) is their shipping rates:

    Up to $60.00 $6.00

    $60.01-$120.00 $9.00

    $120.01 or more $12.00

    Shipping based on contiguous 48 states

    So, you could order a couple thousand pounds of wheat, honey, rice, sugar, beans, etc. and it's $12.00 for the shipping.

    The other cool thing about their shipping rates is that when you order the months specials the shipping is free on ALL of your orders with the specials included. We get together with others to make a big order and never have to pay shipping.


  9. I have been a member of different forms on other sites and decided I needed to find a form more to my tastes and values. So here I am.

    I'm a mom of 5 boys in Oregon who is really into preparedness and such. I'm very lucky to stay at home and my husband also works from home too so we spend lots of time together.

    One night a week I teach parenting classes for a community group and also some cooking classes here and there.

    My calling at church is in YW and hubby is in the bishopric. So we stay pretty busy with our callings and the boys, no time to get into trouble. LOL :lol:

    Thanks for letting be on board here...I'm looking forward to meeting all of you.
