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Posts posted by mychildrensmother

  1. My husband is against it - our daughter is 12. I thought because I had ears pierced at 8 she would too, She is not worried either way though the grandmothers and auntes like it. I think it matter very little what I or they want, its her body.

  2. I have used cloth on my 1st - didn't last long. Discovered modern cloth and dry pailing and it was much easier with my third and forth children. Due with 5th and we will use cloth again. Its easy and much cheaper. I haven't found it difficult, its actually nicer not to buy disposables and fill up the rubbish so quickly like we used to (and our wheely bins are much smaller now with the trend in recycling - a friend complains about her bin being too small as she has 2 in nappies.). Its much cheaper now as I only have to buy the occasional replacement. I also knit/crochet covers which saves money.

  3. I think breastfeeding is wonderful. All people should witness for what it is. Not showing off or anything like that but feeding and/or comforting a child.

    I have always fed my children when they needed and support other women to do so as its their child's right.

    I don't attend church often now but I refuse to go in the smelly Mothers room to feed (disposable nappies/diapers in a closed space. :( ). Where are fathers meant to change nappies btw? This actually annoys me that we can go almost anywhere and find a Parents or Family room but our ward just recently built a mothers room?!

  4. Our eldest kids are at school which is not such a bad school. They enjoy school but I can see there are far more opportunities to learn in the every day.

    I believe I am unschooling them when they are not at school and all of my children are natural learners.

    Hopefully one day soon our lifestyle will accomodate homeschooling in our family.

    I want the very best for my kids, only I can provide that with my husband. We care about their welfare more than anyone else. I want them to take the responsibility for themselves also ie. they can make the most of the learning and pave their own path.

  5. I have been considering this if and when we decide to have a second baby. I'm a little scared to not have a doctor near in case something goes wrong though... How did you deal with that?

    Trust in yourself!

    It is about taking responsibility. That was the big thing. Realising I didn't have to hand it over.

    I never thought something would go wrong but we did have ambulance cover. Do your research!

  6. Congrats to you both!! Boys are lovely. I am thinking another girl this time. Haven't had a baby girl for 8 years!!

    I am the same Liesl. Don't handle pregnancy too well though this one much better.

  7. I am not looking forward to the sleepless nights. My first child was the most demanding with breastfeeding especially.

    I am hopeful my hubby and kids will continue to be supportive (as they have been through my pregnancy)

  8. Oh yeah disposables. How do they learn they have wet?

    Good news!!

    He doesn't stay up late anymore. He rarely naps during the day and sleeps well most nights.

    With 8 weeks til my due date I think it will be a godsend.